Growing Houseplants
Why grow houseplants? To enhance room decor –Fill in gaps –Brighten an area (empty wall space, unused fireplace, stairwell, corner) –Soften sharp edges –Create separate areas in a room
Grouping plants
Garden rooms
Why grow houseplants? Fragrance Direct traffic Improve indoor air quality
Choosing houseplants How is the plant to be displayed? –Location, duration How much time and skill is involved? How much will it cost? What size and shape of plant? What will be the growing conditions? –Light, temperature, humidity
Types of houseplants Foliage plants –Trees –Climbing plants Flowering plants –Flowering houseplants –Flowering pot plants (temporary) Cacti & succulents
Foliage plants - trees Dracaenas
Foliage plants -trees Yucca Norfolk Island Pine Rubber tree
Foliage plants - Trees Ficus
Foliage plants Philodendrons
Foliage plants CaladiumsSanseveria
Foliage vines Philodendron, ivy, zebrina
Small foliage plants Rex begonia
Small foliage plants Maranthas
Foliage plants - ferns
Flowering houseplants African violets Cyclamens
Flowering houseplants Bromeliads
Flowering houseplants Spathiphyllum
Flowering pot plants Gloxinia Exacum Azalea Gardenia
Flowering pot plants
Hydrangea Poinsettia
Succulents Jade plant Kalanchoe Sanseveria
Houseplants and light
Diagnosing light problems
Light and phototropism
Light intensity
Light and flowering
Artificial light quality
Artificial light
Changing light Shade to sun – acclimatize first Sunny to shade – foliage plants will survive, but not flourish –Flowering plant – fewer blooms
Watering houseplants Different plants have different water requirements –Watering frequency and amount varies with growth phase Environment influences watering –Container size, composition, media type –Room conditions (temperature, humidity)
Houseplants and water Detecting soil moisture
Diagnosing water problems
Methods of watering Top watering Bottom watering Immersion Wick watering
Watering problems
Diagnosing humidity problems
Providing humidity Location Groupings Misting Pebble tray
Plants and temperature Avoid drafts –Vents, poorly sealed windows –Keep inside curtains during winter Avoid sources of heat (stove, refrig.) Humidity is influenced by temperature
Displaying principles Containers Lighting Colors – background, plant Grouping plants Plant supports and stands
Antiques as planters
Shopping for plant containers Furniture stores Garden centers Home improvement stores Department stores Discount stores Online – –Mailorder companiesMailorder companies
Displaying houseplants Double potting
Hanging baskets
Grouping plants
Bottle garden
Making a terrarium
Plant supports and stands
Displaying bromeliads
Caring for houseplants Fertilization Cleaning/grooming Repotting
Type of plant Timing of fertilization –Some plants have “active” growing season –Most plants grow very little during winter Type of fertilizer –Slow-release, liquid, soluble powder Frequency of fertilization –Type of plant, type of fertilizer
Cleaning/grooming houseplants Remove dead leaves Deadhead spent blooms Pinching (shape) Cleaning –Wiping –Brushing –Sponging –Immersing
Repotting Violets Orchids
Potting mixes
Pest problems
Mealy bugs
Spider mites
White flies
Fungus gnats Fungus gnat remedy
Pest control Soap sprays Systemic insecticides Yellow sticky cards
Specialty houseplants Orchids American orchid society
Specialty houseplants Bonsai
Propagating houseplants Cuttings (stem, leaf)Cuttings Division Layering (air layering, simple layering) Seeds/sporesspores
Buying houseplants Poisonous houseplants
The End Final exam All plants propagated in lab are yours
Did you learn…? How to grow a plant outdoors How to grow a plant indoors How to propagate plants Growing plants can be an enjoyable hobby Growing plants can be valuable