Mohammad Tamim Alkhodary Ali Al-Saihati King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE 578 Simulation of Wireless Systems IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Transmitter and Receiver Model Case IV Mohammad Tamim Alkhodary Ali Al-Saihati
Outlines IEEE 802.15.4a System Model. IEEE 802.15.4a Channel Model. Rake Receiver Models. Results.
System Model
Transmitter UWB is a nonsinusoidal signal with duration less than 1 ns. Gaussian Pulse: 1st derivative Gaussian pulse is used for the simulation.
Channel Model The proposed rates for the channel are between 1 kb/s and several Mb/s. Channel model is a modified version of the original Saleh-Valenzuela (S-V). The impulse response of the S-V model is given by: The two dimensional model can be reduced into one dimensional discrete model. Model includes a mixed Poisson distribution for ray arrival times - possible delay dependence of cluster decay times- frequency dependence of the path loss
RAKE Receiver for UWB Systems A typical rake combiner is limited by power consumption, design complexity, and the channel estimation. Output of fingers is given by: Output of the rake receiver:
Rake Receiver- Correlators
Rake Receiver-Matched Filter
Received signal is given by: Output of Matched Filter: Output of FIR filter :
FIR Implementation
Simulation Results: Transmitted signals
Signal Responses Through the Channel
Received Noisy Signals
Received Signals
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