Business Objects XI3 and Webi ABA – May 18, 2011
Data Warehouse Refresh Project Goals Business Objects XI3 migration is part of the Data Warehouse refresh project: Provide training, support and tools that better address needs of clients as more and more use is made of the Data Warehouse (in place approximately 15 years). Maximize the utility of past and future investments in the Data Warehouse Ensure that the data and information delivery strategy is in alignment with the ongoing operational and analytic needs of the client community. Penn Data Warehouse Introduction for New Users now available in KnowledgeLink – other modules under development Penn Data Warehouse Introduction for New Users 2
About Web Intelligence (Webi) SAP/Business Objects' strategic web-based tool for ad hoc analysis, replacing and augmenting the Desktop Intelligence software that has been in use at Penn for many years. Some new features available with Webi include: Additional prompt features including the ability to make prompts optional Enhanced variable creating and editing capability Additional on-report filtering and formatting functions available directly in InfoView 3
Migration Project Activities Upgrade Business Objects Address end of life issues for Desktop Intelligence Simplify environment for end users and LSPs What it entails: Upgrade to latest vendor-supported version Business Objects (XI3) Shift to Web Intelligence (Webi) for query and report creation and modification Conversion of local Desktop Intelligence reports to Webi Steps completed Webi server available in production and report conversion underway How-Tos and FAQs developed In Process (January 2011 – June 2011) Compile report inventories and submit for conversion if needed by 6/30/2011 Use Webi for creating and modifying reports - no new Deski reports starting July 2011 - no new Deski users starting July
Report Migration Users must inventory any reports they have stored locally, to see which need to be converted to Webi. Only reports which are actually in use, or needed for use going forward, should be converted. Corporate Documents: If the report is from the Business Objects repository, do NOT submit it for conversion. Data Administration is taking care of converting all of those. Modified Corporate Documents: Slightly modified Corporate Documents should NOT be submitted for conversion; make those same modifications to the report already converted in the repository for general use. Reports very similar to others: For reports that are virtually identical to others (e.g, with simple prompt or filter differences), just submit one of these for conversion, and then, if needed, make your variations using that converted report in Webi. Webi has a number of new filtering and prompting features that may help you consolidate the number of reports you need. Reports commonly used by your department or workgroup: Please coordinate with others with whom you work so only one member of the group sends reports used in common by the group for migration. The converted reports can then be stored on the Business Objects XI3 server, in a folder for your school or center’s common reports. Data for historical purposes: If you’re only keeping a report because of the data retrieved at the point in time you ran it, please save the report in Excel or PDF format and store it in a secure location. 5
Next Steps Report inventory and conversion: Contact Data Administration if you have reports needing migration (all must be submitted by 6/30/2011) Get started using XI3 and Webi: 1. Synchronize your password (select all boxes): Log in to InfoView XI3: 3. Refer to website for documentation, tips, etc: / / How Tos: FAQs: 6