THE POVERTY CYCLE Dire Poverty Not enough ________ for food, medicine, etc. Malnutrition, ___________, lack of education, etc. Inability to work/look for work or lack of ______________ for well paying work
Armed conflict ___________________ Lack of education High unemployment International _______ Famine Mental illness ________________ Disease Lack of _____________ Geographic factors (e.g. lack of arable land) Historical factors (e.g. ___________________) Government _________ Crime Inadequate medical care Discrimination __________________ Exploitation of the poor by the rich Inequitable __________ of global resources Poverty itself CAUSES OF GLOBAL POVERTY
IMBALANCES IN GLOBAL SPENDING Global Necessities Estimated cost Elementary level education for all$90 billion Fresh drinking water and sanitation for all$25 billion Reproductive health for all women$20 billion Basic health and nutrition for all$20 billion World Spending Cost Cosmetics in the United States$33 billion Candy and ice cream in the United Kingdom$16.5 billion Alcohol sales in Canada$21.4 billion Illegal narcotic drugs worldwide$400 billion Global military spending$1.7 trillion
In male-dominated societies, women & children have lower status & fewer __________________________ than men. Women often _______________ less & work longer hours than men. More likely to be _______________, especially where public education isn’t available or where only males can attend school. Often ______________ at a young age to reduce the financial burden on their families. IMPOVERISHED WOMEN
Improving women’s access to ______________ could make a significant difference in the developing world because educated women: marry later & have _____________________. understand ________________ & are more likely to resist pressure to have more children. have children who ______________________ because they understand the importance of immunization, clean water & proper nutrition. IMPOVERISHED WOMEN
UNICEF publishes an annual ___________ index based on 5 factors: 1.Under-five mortality rate (___________) 2.Percentage of moderately to severely ____________________ children 3.Number of children not attending primary _________________ 4.Risk from __________________ 5.Risk from __________________ IMPOVERISHED CHILDREN
Each country receives a score of Most developed nations (e.g. Canada) have scores of ____ or below. African countries average a score of ____. IMPOVERISHED CHILDREN
Poverty is strongly linked to the U5MR: 50% of these deaths are caused by ___________________. Lack of access to fresh water & ___________ are the other primary cause. Poverty is the leading cause of ____________: Children work to ____________ their families or themselves Many countries lack labour _____________ to protect children IMPOVERISHED CHILDREN
Armed conflict endangers ______ million children each year: Children as young as _____ have been used as soldiers in civil wars & 16-year-olds are legally allowed to serve in the military in many countries IMPOVERISHED CHILDREN