Learner Journey Studying Scotland through Science Our Local Environment: Early Level
Studying Scotland through Science: Our Local Environment Learner Journey: Overview of Learning Possible prior experiences Learners will have experience of their local environment from walking through it. Learners will know the key features of their environment e.g. if there is a river, forest, cycle route etc. Learning through lead curriculum area: Science Bio-diversity (Some wildlife only grows in Scotland and some things can’t grow in Scotland.) How to look after plants. How to keep themselves safe. The 5 senses and how to use them in their environment. How to organise information that is collected. Interdisciplinary Opportunities Science Social Studies Mathematics Health and Wellbeing Literacy across learning Skills Managing themselves and others Investigating Analysing
Learner Opportunity A: Our Local Environment Possible Learning Opportunities Learners identify the risks involved in an Eco walk and consider ways to manage that risk. Learners collect interesting objects while out on the walk. Learning Risk and how to manage it Diverse range of trees and plants in the local area Skills Managing themselves and others Investigating Analysing Trigger for Learning The Eco Committee come to talk to the learners about working towards their green flag. The learners decide they want to help. Possible Evidence of Learning Quotes from the children about risk, photos with annotations, objects collected.
Learning Opportunity B: Our Local Environment Possible Learning Opportunities Learners could have a variety of experiences outdoors to explore their senses. e.g. observing interesting objects or animals like butterflies, birds singing, the smell of plants, tree rubbing (is it smooth, lumpy, rough?) etc. Learning The senses (identifying what they are and how we use them.) Skills Investigating Analysing Trigger for Learning One learner says “I can still hear the cars on the road.” This leads to discussion about the 5 senses and using them outside. Possible Evidence of Learning Draw a picture of what they could see/hear etc, recordings of sounds in the local environment, annotated photos
Learning Opportunity C: Our Local Environment Possible Learning Opportunity Learners complete a traffic survey. Learners use what they find to create a pictograph. Learning How to conduct a survey. How to communicate findings. How to understand those findings. Skills Investigating Analysing Trigger for Learning One learner says that she doesn’t walk to school and that her mum gives her a lift. This leads to discussion about different ways to travel. Possible Evidence of Learning Survey, survey results, annotated pictures, learner quotes.