Preservative put in many medical products WHAT IS THIMEROSAL?
Type of protein Used in Lymph Tissue in Vertebrates IMMUNOGLOBULIN PREPARATIONS
Substance used to treat people who had venom injected into their bodies. Life saving ANTIVENOM
50% Mercury In most vaccines To many vaccines given at a young age can affect brain development WHY IS THIMEROSAL SO DANGEROUS?
The dangerous Mercury-based preservative Thimerosal should be removed from vaccines because it clearly causes Autism. THESIS STATEMENT
Most controversial Required Protects against Mumps and Measles Two different doses MUMPS VACCINE
Group of brain developmental disorders Also called Pervasive Developmental disorder Can go undetected for years WHAT IS AUTISM
Every Autistic case is different but most common signs are: Slow speech Repetitive movements of arms and legs Frustrated easily Loud noises bother them Certain types of lights bother them SIGNS OF AUTISM
Specialist in Autism. Works for Judson Center Safe Vaccine schedule SARAH BRETZ
1.5 million people in the U.S have Autism Growing 10-17% every year Boys are more common to develop autism Autism cases found increased by 800% 20 years ago people rarely knew what autism was, now 9 in 10 people have or know someone with autism Rose from 1 in 5,000 people to 1 in 110 people to develop autism, since Thimerosal was introduced. STATISTICS
WORKS CITED Blaylock, R. (n.d.). "What They Don't Tell You About Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life". October "What They Don't Tell You About Vaccination Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life". Bretz, Sarah. Interview. 26 October Coalition, I. A. (2006, April 6). "CDC’s Key Messages: Thimerosal, Vaccines, and Autism". "CDC’s Key Messages: Thimerosal, Vaccines, and Autism". "Is Thimerosal Safe". (2007). October "Number of Autism Cases". (2010, Febuary 27). "Number of Autism Cases":