8 February 2013P Xerox Bearing Tester Detailed Design Review [1]
8 February 2013P Project Team and Stakeholders Customer Erwin RuizTechnical Specialist Project Manager Xerox Corporation Guide William NowakPrinciple Engineer Xerox Corporation Faculty Consultant Jason KolodziejRIT ME Faculty Project Team Stephen Rugg Project Manager Will CraigCo-lead Engineer Andrew ShumanCo-lead Engineer Kevin AlbinoTeam Facilitator/Project Engineer Lauren KaczorProject Engineer Tyler HillProject Engineer
8 February 2013P Meeting Agenda -Project Background1:05-1:10 -Updated Customer Needs & Specs (Lauren)1:10-1:20 -Test Plan (Tyler) -MSA Plan (Tyler) -System Assembly1:20-2:10 -Overall Design (Kevin) -Motor Design(Andrew) -Motor Torque Requirements (Will) -Mandrel (Andrew) -Alignment System (Lauren) -Clamp (Andrew) -Frequency Analysis of Rails (Steve) -Data Acquisition 2:10-2:30 -Accelerometer Mounting (Steve) -Signal Conditioner (Steve) -DAQ (Will) -LabVIEW (Will) -Budget/BOM (Tyler)2:30-2:40 -Risk Assessment (Lauren)2:40-2:45 -Questions
8 February 2013P Project Background There are 2 Bearings in the iGen Printer System supporting the fuser roller Every 200,000 prints the printers come in for remanufacturing Bearing is reused a maximum of 5 times Currently, there is no quantitative test to qualify bearings – Current test is to hold the bearing up to your ear and see if you hear or feel anything – Potentially leads to many good bearings being scrapped Customer wishes to test performance of other bearing manufacturers against current product
8 February 2013P Project Background
8 February 2013P Updated Customer Needs
8 February 2013P Specifications
8 February 2013P Test Plans SP1: Time To Train User Ideal Value < 1 hour Plan: Gather a group of people and teach them individually how to use the system. Document how long it takes each person to gain competence with the system. Ideally, the group will contain a broad range of knowledge bases with regards to vibration and mechanical systems. This will help to get a better estimation on the time it would take to train someone with no engineering background. The individuals who were trained will be asked about areas that were unclear or difficult to understand. From their feedback, efforts will be made to streamline the process. This will occur whether or not the specification is met. SP8: Use Xerox’s Machine to Get a Pass Fail Readings on Test Bearings Ideal Value: Pass/Fail Plan: Xerox’s Acoustic machine will be setup and run according to the manual specifications. Pass or fail values will be collected for all of the test bearings. Four tests will be conducted on each bearing to make sure the result is repeatable since the machine has failed an MSA. The purpose of collecting these readings will be to compare them against the results from the vibration test stand that is being developed.
8 February 2013P Test Plans SP9: Measurement System Analysis on Vibration Machine Ideal Value: Pass Plan: A measurement system analysis (MSA) will be conducted on the vibration machine. If the vibration machine fails the MSA, efforts will be made to identify areas where there are inconsistencies. These inconsistencies will be fixed and the MSA will be conducted again. This process will iterate until the vibration machine passes the MSA or until we run out of time. SP10: Assess Health of Bearing Ideal Value: Pass/Fail Plan: The results of the vibration collection will be dependent upon the pass and fail criteria that is developed using the test bearings. Vibration measurements will be conducted on each of these bearings and they will be correlated to the tests that were already conducted by Arnprior. The developed pass and fail criteria will then be input into the LabView interface and a pass or fail reading will be output at the end of each test.
8 February 2013P MSA Plan 16 Samples, 6 Operators, 3 Replicates – Typically 10 Samples, 3 Operators and 2 Replicates is used – As we do not have historical data to compare to, more samples would be better if we could obtain more bearings in various states of wear – More operators will result in an improved precision for the reproducibility estimate [2] Every operator will test each of the 16 samples, 3 times The order of the tests will be done based off of a randomly generated schedule Minitab or another statistical package will be used to analyze the data using the ANOVA method The output value, pass/fail or some number, will be determined based upon the failure criteria which is still to be determined
8 February 2013P System Assembly Motor Assembly Alignment Assembly Arbor Press Assembly
8 February 2013P Motor Pugh [6]
8 February 2013P Motor Mount Motor will be mounted on a large aluminum block The aluminum block will rest on a rubber gasket This is done in an effort to attenuate any vibration Motor Face Mounting Plates Motor Clamps Aluminum Block
8 February 2013P Motor Clamps These will wrap around the motor so that it is not cantilevered The top bolt can be used to further tight the clamp once it has been bolted down Trying to make the structure as rigid as possible
8 February 2013P Motor Torque Requirements Tested the required motor torque for our bearings Preliminary drop test predicted 37 in*lb at 1800 rpm based on Newton’s Viscosity law – extrapolated from 43 rpm New test with motor at 2000 rpm showed required torque of 2.7 in*lb for high resistance bearing
8 February 2013P Motor Test Results
8 February 2013P Xerox Acoustic Machine Xerox machine has a slip fit mandrel Found that the bearing slipped on the mandrel when the motor rotated Show video
8 February 2013P Two Mandrel Designs Slip Fit MandrelPress Fit Mandrel
8 February 2013P Arbor Press Assembly ½ Ton Press 4.5” working range Cost: $40
8 February 2013P Arbor Press Assembly
8 February 2013P Clamp Alignment System Brake (2) Bearing Clamp 80/20 Rails (4) Carriage (2) Rail Adapter (2) Bearing Accelerometer (2) L-Bracket (8)
8 February 2013P T-adapters Aluminum – Easy to machine – Higher damping coefficient than steel Transfers holes from horizontal to vertical position Connects lower half clamp to the carriage
8 February 2013P Outer Race Bearing Clamp Will be made out of steel to improve vibration transmission Because of tight tolerances the Brinkman Lab is going to manufacture it
8 February 2013P ANSYS Clamp Analysis ANSYS analysis shows a very small deflection: in This proves that displacement control is not a feasible option and a force control method should be implemented.
8 February 2013P /20 Rail Natural Frequencies
8 February 2013P /20 Natural Frequency Calculations Assumptions: Applied mass is larger than the beam mass Applied mass is located at 0.80*L Both ends are clamped Constant loading can be simulated as additional mass
8 February 2013P /20 Natural Frequency Calculations For the first mode: Β 1 l= ρ=mass per unit length A=cross-sectional area L=beam length E=Elastic modulus I=Moment of Inertia No mass applied other than the beam mass This is the highest natural frequency that could be reached without stiffening the beam
8 February 2013P Accelerometer Mounting 100 mV/g ICP Accelerometer Frequency Range: ,000 Hz Attach with wax or glue If needed the accelerometer could be stud mounted [3]
8 February 2013P Accelerometer Mounting - Feasibility Outer support accelerometer mounting has been successfully applied in industry and other test stands [4][5]
8 February 2013P SKF Condition Monitoring Accelerometer Signal Conditioner Power ICP Circuit
8 February 2013P Signal Conditioner - Schematic
8 February 2013P Signal Conditioner – Board/Enclosure
8 February 2013P LabView 6210 DAQ 16 analog inputs 250kS/s 4 voltage ranges Maximum voltage range accuracy: 2.69 mV Minimum voltage range accuracy: mV [7]
8 February 2013P LabView Feasibility Test Current LabVIEW code has been tested in the systems lab
8 February 2013P LabView
8 February 2013P LabView Block Diagram
8 February 2013P Bill Of Materials
8 February 2013P Bill Of Materials
8 February 2013P Budget Overall Budget - $1500-$3000 Original Total$ Savings from: – Custom Signal Conditioner$ – Provided Motor and Controller$ Final Cost Breakdown – Data Collection$ – Physical Structure$ – Manufacturing Costs$ – Shipping$ – Total$
8 February 2013P Risk Assessment
8 February 2013P Project Schedule
8 February 2013P References 1. Capacity/dp/B0071ARFWS 2. White%20Papers/GageRR_MtbAsstMenuWhitePaper.pdf Machinery Messages Research Test Results Part 1: Performance of REBAM during ball bearing failure 5.The application of spectral kurtosis on Acoustic Emission and vibrations from a defective bearing By: B. Eftekharnejad n, M.R. Carrasco, B. Charnley, D. Mba 6. s.PDF 7.
8 February 2013P Questions?