Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Claudia Hannah University of Phoenix Online MADL 117C - EDTC 560 Applications of Multimedia and Web Page Design May 19, 2004
Maslow’s Theory “We each have a hierarchy of needs that ranges from "lower" to "higher." As lower needs are fulfilled there is a tendency for other, higher needs to emerge.” Daniels, 2004
Maslow’s Theory Maslow’s theory maintains that a person does not feel a higher need until the needs of the current level have been satisfied. Maslow's basic needs are as follows:
Physiological Needs Food Air Water Clothing Sex Basic Human Needs
Safety Needs Protection Stability Pain Avoidance Routine/Order Safety and Security
Social Needs Affection Acceptance Inclusion Love and Belonging
Esteem Needs Self-Respect Self-Esteem Respected by Others Esteem
Self-Actualization Achieve full potential Fulfillment
Esteem Self-Actualization Safety Belonging Physiological Summary
Questions/Comments Please send to: Claudia Hannah Thank You!
References A.H. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. (n.d.). Information accessed May 16, 2004, from needs.htmlhttp:// needs.html Daniels, V. (2004, March). Notes on Abraham Maslow. Information accessed May 18, 2004, from Warder, D. (n.d.). What is Abraham Maslow's theory of motivation and is it useful to the field of education? Teaching Portfolio. Information accessed May 16, 2004, from