Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory By: Nicholous Matthew Justin Luke
Basics of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Theory Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. Maslow’s theory proposes that as humans meet “basic needs”, we look to satisfy “higher needs” that occupy a our mind set. Maslow’s theory is depicted as a pyramid in four levels: the first three are deficiency needs (lack of), and the top level is growth needs. When each level of need is accomplished, the next level of need becomes dominate. Therefore, no need is ever satisfied, motivation excels individuals to feel satisfied.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid
Physiological Needs Bottom Level of the pyramid, the physiology needs of the human organism, consist of: the need to breathe the need to drink water the need to interact the need to eat the need to dispose bodily waste
Safety Needs Second Level of the pyramid, the safety needs of the human organism, consist of: Physical safety (safety from aggression, violence) Security of employment Security of resources Mind & Moral security Family security Health security Security of personal property against social indifferences such as crime
Love/ Belonging Needs Third Level of the pyramid, involving emotional-based relationships, the love/belonging needs of the human organism, consist of: Friendship Sexual intimacy Support and Communication with family
Esteem Needs Forth Level of the pyramid, the esteem needs of the human organism, consist of: Self-esteem Confidence Personal Achievement Respect of others Attaining respect by others
Self-actualization Fifth Level of the pyramid, the Growth needs category, the self-actualization. Self-actualization people are the following: Acknowledge the facts and realities of the world instead of rejecting or denying them Reactive to ideas and actions Creative Interest in solving problems, usually the problems of others Feel closeness of others, and appreciates life Conforms to rules; independent from outside authority Objective to surrounds (are receptive of others instead of prejudice) “Self Actualization is the intrinsic growth of what is already in the organism, or more accurately, of what the organism is.” -(Psychological Review, 1949)
Resources Fundamentals of Management, Robbins & DeCenzo & Stuart-Kotze, Chapter Nine, Pg. 240 “What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory?”