AREA The Chumash live west of us in California. When they visit they don’t come back for days.
HOMES Grass houses are good homes for people in a warm climate. In the northern plains, winters are too cold to make homes out of prairie grass. But in the southern plains of Texas, houses like these were comfortable for the people who used them.
FOODS Some Native American tribes were also much more agricultural, staying in one place year-round and farming the land, while other tribes were semi- nomadic, moving frequently from place to place as they hunted and gathered food for their families. This also affected what kinds of food they ate
CRAFTS Originally, there were many different traditional Native American clothing styles in North America. Nearly every tribe had its own distinctive style of dress, and the people could often tell each other's identities by looking at their tribal clothes, headdresses, and ornamentation.
FAMILY LIFE Now, there is a lot of garbage and misinformation on the Internet no matter what subject you're talking about, but American Indian religion and spirituality has got to have the worst signal-noise ratio of any of them. The 'information' out there about American Indian religions ranges from inaccurate school projects by seven-year-olds, 300 years.
WEAPONS AND TOOLS When people think of American Indian weapons, the bow and arrow is usually the first thing that springs to mind-- and for good reason. Nearly every Native American tribe used some form of bow and arrow as a weapon for hunting, war, or both. Some tribes, particularly in South America, even used bows and arrows for fishing.
REFRENCES AP_Dwellling.gif AP_Dwellling.gif dex.htm dex.htm