Welcome to Biology 101 Course goals Course information Text Grading.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Biology 101 Course goals Course information Text Grading

Contemporary Topics in Biology Population Growth Smoking Cancer AIDS Environment Energy

Outline What is biology Hierarchy of Life Properties of Living Organisms Scientific Method

What is Biology? Study of life Search for order in the natural world Discovery of new relationships Learn working rules that allow life to exist

Life Levels of Organization 1.Among organisms 2.Within Organisms 3.Within Cells

Life Levels of Organization Among Organisms 1.Biosphere 2.Ecosystem 3.Community 4.Population

Life Levels of Organization Within Organisms 1.Organ systems 2.Organs 3.Tissues 4.Cells

Life Levels of Organization Within Cells 1.Organelles 2.Macromolecules 3.Molecules & Atoms

Properties of Life 1.Genetic System is DNA 2. Order

Properties of Life 3. Homeostasis = Regulation…….. 4. Response…………………. 5. Reproduction….

Scientific Inquiry – How is Science Done? Discovery Science –Observing –Measuring Hypothesis-based Science –Scientific Method –Proposing & Testing hypotheses –Inductive & deductive logic

Hypothesis- Based Science

Hypothesis-based Science IF hypothesis, THEN prediction. IF inductive generalization, THEN deductive statement. Experiment  Tests the prediction/deductive statement. Experimental group  one variable independent variable  tested dependent variable  experimental outcome Control group  unchanged group/ baseline

Limitations of Science 1.Hypothesis can not be proven true Truth Table HypothesisPrediction True False False or True True

Hypotheses, Theories & Laws Hypothesis –a tentative explanation. Scientific Theory –Accepted explanation. –Supported by experimental evidence. –Pretty solid ground of science. –A well-supported hypothesis. Scientific Law –Scientific knowledge accepted as true. –An extremely well-supported hypothesis.