Nouns, Nouns, and more Nouns!
What’s a Noun? Person, place, thing, or idea (overarching category with different types) Example: Bigfoot’s crazy cousin stumbled through the woods. Identify the nouns Answers: Bigfoot, cousin, woods
Singular vs. Plural Singular noun: one person, place, thing, or idea Plural: more than one person, place, thing, or idea Example: The J-Hawks won the football game by 13 points. Identify the singular and plural nouns. Answer: Singular: game Plural: J-Hawks, points
Common vs. Proper Common noun: a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea Proper noun: name of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (names, cities, and specific locations which require a capital letter) Examples: The J-Hawks won the football game. Identify the common and proper nouns Answer: Common: game Proper: J-Hawks
Collective Nouns Collective nouns: name of a group of people or things. Example: The gaggle of geese flew over the herd of cattle. Identify the collective nouns. Answer: gaggle, herd
Compound Nouns Compound nouns: a single noun formed from two or more words Example: He left a big footprint and lots of dirt, so we threw it in the trashcan. Answers: footprint, trashcan
Concrete vs. Abstract Concrete: name of something perceived by the senses. You can touch it or put it in a box. Abstract: name of an idea, quality or state Intangible Example: Bigfoot fell in love with a cat who trembled in fear. Answer: Concrete: Bigfoot, cat Abstract: love, fear
Possessive Nouns Possessive: a noun that shows ownership or relationship Example: The student’s book was knocked off of Miss Kingery’s desk. Answers: student’s book, Miss Kingery’s desk