Day One Unit 1 Week 1 Nouns
NOUNS A noun is a name for a person, place, or thing.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Nose B. And C. Say The noun is A. NOSE because it names a THING.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Go B. Up C. Teacher The noun is C. TEACHER because it names a PERSON.
Choose the noun in each group: A. With B. Store C. Jumped The noun is B. STORE because it names a PLACE.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Or B. That C. Friend The noun is C. FRIEND because it names a PERSON.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Worm B. Too C. Red The noun is A. WORM because it names a THING.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Funny B. Flag C. Pay The noun is B. FLAG b ecause it names a THING.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Because B. Run C. Duckling The noun is C. DUCKLING because it names a THING.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Mother B. Chipped C. Wishing The noun is A. MOTHER because it names a PERSON.
Choose the noun in each group: A. Surprised B. Beautiful C. Town The noun is C. TOWN because it names a PLACE.
When choosing the noun in a group of words, ask yourself: Does it name a person? Does it name a place? Does it name a thing?
Pictionary We are going to play a quick game of Pictionary. I am going to give out a word that you will draw. Raise your hand if you know the answer. No shouting out!! If I call on you and you are correct, you get to draw next. Remember they are all NOUNS
NOUNS IN SENTENCES A noun is a name for a person, place, or thing. Day Two
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. Example: The duckling swam in the pond. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Yes, names a thing Yes, names a place The nouns are DUCKLING and POND.
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. The chick has yellow feathers. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Yes, names a thing The nouns are CHICK and FEATHERS.
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. Our team won the game! Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. (pronoun) Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Yes, names a thing. The nouns are TEAM and GAME.
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. The duck paddled with its feet. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. No, not a noun. (pronoun) Yes, names a thing. The nouns are DUCK and FEET.
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. The apple is green. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. Yes, names a thing The noun is APPLE.
To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing. My mother checked my homework. Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. (pronoun) Person, Place, Thing? No, not a noun. (pronoun) Yes, names a person. Yes, names a thing. The nouns are MOTHER and HOMEWORK.
Remember: A noun is a name for a person, place, or thing. To find the nouns in a sentence, look at each word and ask yourself if it names a person, place, or thing.
Day Three
Created by Jean Jarnigan
Read each sentence and click on the noun.noun
A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.
PleasePlease give me the candy.give candy
TodayToday is going to be a great day!isgoingto greatday
WhereWhere did I put my coat?didputcoat
It may come a snowstorm today.maycomesnowstorm today
Types of Nouns: Common & Proper Nouns Day Four
Common Nouns Common Nouns are any person, place, or thing. Common nouns are not capitalized. –The city –A policeman –That newspaper
Proper Nouns Common Nouns are the name of a special person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are capitalized. –Celine –Officer Smith –Florida Times Union
Tell if the underlined noun is common or proper. Click the noun to check your answer. Jameson visited the mall last Saturday.Jameson mallSaturday Next Sentence
Common Noun It is not capitalized and names any person, place, or thing.
Proper Noun It is capitalized and names a special person, place, or thing.
Tell if the underlined noun is common or proper. Click the noun to check your answer. Mickey Mouse rode in a truck.Mickey Mouse truck Next Sentence
Common Noun It is not capitalized and names any person, place, or thing.
Proper Noun It is capitalized and names a special person, place, or thing.
Tell if the underlined noun is common or proper. Click the noun to check your answer. The lions and monkeys were at the Jacksonville Zoo.lions monkeysJacksonville Zoo Next Sentence
Common Noun It is not capitalized and names any person, place, or thing.
Proper Noun It is capitalized and names a special person, place, or thing.
Tell if the underlined noun is common or proper. Click the noun to check your answer. All of Jasper’s paper is missing from his agenda.Jasper’sagenda Next Sentence
Common Noun It is not capitalized and names any person, place, or thing.
Proper Noun It is capitalized and names a special person, place, or thing.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. mr. lauzon is louis sheffield elementary school’s principal.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. Mr. Lauzon is Louis Sheffield Elementary School’s principal.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. We celebrate thanksgiving on the fourth thursday of november.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. We celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. We heard the president’s speech on television in january.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. We heard the President’s speech on television in January.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. Both zachary and alex visited sea world.
Write this sentence correctly. Remember to capitalize proper nouns. Both Zachary and Alex visited Sea World.
Noun Dunk Game Let’s Play!Let’s Play!