8 TH G RADE R EGISTRATION Ms. Guess (Alpha A-K) Mrs. Eberle (Alpha L-Z)
C HOOSE C AREFULLY ! All courses are year-long commitments. You can not change your schedule after the beginning of the year! Rank your top choices 1-5
R EQUIRED C ORE C OURSES US History Integrated Language Arts: ILA 8 Pre AP ILA 8 – Be sure to read attached letter! Summer reading assignment: PAP ILA – The Messenger by Lois Lowry GT ILA – The Hobbit J. R.R. Tolkien Science: Science 8 Pre AP Science 8 Math: Math 8 Pre AP Math 8 Pre AP Algebra (see requirements on back of card) Geometry
E LECTIVE C OURSES Spanish 1 All of Spanish 1 will now be taught in 8 th grade. If you have not started Spanish and would like to this year, you are able to. The grade you receive in 8 th grade Spanish will count towards your HIGH SCHOOL GPA Exploratory Spanish (not for HS credit)
F INE A RTS – W ILL NOT BE IN CLASSES WITH 6 TH GRADERS ; WILL BE IN CLASSES WITH 7 TH GRADERS Art I Art II (pre-requisite Art 6 or Art I) Art III (pre-requisite Art II & application required) Theater I Theater II (pre-requisite Theater 6 or Theater I) Theater Production (application andaudition only) Theater III Technical Theater
F INE A RTS C ONTINUED Band (placement will be determined by band director) Symphonic Concert Orchestra (placement will be determined by orchestra director) Symphonic Choir
C OMPUTER S CIENCE E LECTIVES Multimedia/Video Production I Multimedia/Video Production II Robotics Digital Graphics & Animation Broadcast (application required & prerequisite of Multi/VP I) Yearbook (application required) *Broadcast applications available in front office. *Yearbook applications are available from Mr. Mullins in C118
E LECTIVES C ONTINUED Skills for Independent Living I Skills for Independent Living II Office Aide (application required) Library Aide (application required)
H IGH S CHOOL E LECTIVE Health (High school credit given upon completion) / Teen Leadership Year-long class. Health grade will count towards HS GPA Health is required for High School graduation You can also take Health in summer school before 9 th grade
P HYSICAL E DUCATION C OURSE O PTIONS ***Physical Education classes are only required if you have not taken 2 years already or you plan to play one of these three sports (football, basketball, or volleyball)*** Boys Athletics (Football and/or Basketball) Girls Athletics (Volleyball and/or Basketball) PE Tennis You must make the competition ladder by the end of the first semester in order to remain for the spring semester. Partners PE – application required (in front office)
Y OU DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN UP ON YOUR COURSE CARD FOR THE FOLLOWING : Soccer, Cross Country, or Track *If you are only planning to participate in these sports and NOT volleyball, basketball, or football you DO NOT have to sign up for any physical education class!!! Cheerleading Tryouts will be March Parents should have attended mandatory meeting that has already occurred.
A PPLICATIONS & OTHER INFO IN THE LIBRARY Theater Production –Mr. Dennis will select the class from auditions ALL OTHER APPLICATIONS DUE TO THE TEACHERS BELOW BY MARCH 7th: Yearbook: Application to Mr. Mullins You must have your parents and yourself sign the contract(attached to application) You must have a B(on report cards) for the year. No grade with a C (on report cards) or lower will be considered Broadcast: Application to Mrs. Delcambre Art III: pick up application from art room and return to Ms. Sullivan Office Aide : pick up application in front office and return to Ms. Davis (front office receptionist) Library Aide: pick up application in library and return to Mrs. Meeks
8 TH G RADE C LASSES THAT REQUIRE P RE -R EQUISITE WORK IN 7 TH OR 6 TH GRADE : Spanish 1 - Highly recommend Exploratory Language because Spanish 1 is High School Credit Symphonic & Concert Band - requires Beginning Band Intermediate & Advanced Orchestra - requires Beginning Orchestra Theater II, III & Theater Production - requires Theater I or Theater 6 Art II - Requires Art 6 or Art I Art III - Requires Art 6 & Art II Skills for Independent Living II - requires Skills for Independent Living I Multimedia II/ Video Production II - require M/VP I Broadcast - requires Multimedia/Video Production Algebra – requires PreAP Math 7 th grade Geometry – requires Algebra in 7 th grade
N OW WHAT ? Show the following items to your parents: Course Card (DUE March 7th with parent signature to your TEXAS HISTORY TEACHER!!!) Be sure to sign the FRONT & BACK Course guides, which will be available on the Cobb website under Counselor’s Corner Parent Meeting Tuesday, March 4 th at 7pm in the Cobb Cafeteria (same day as open-house) ***You must meet the minimum score on the STAAR tests in order to receive your elective choices***