Resolving the Mollusca Phylogeny using ESTs C. Dunn (Brown University), G. Giribet (Harvard University), N. Wilson (UCSD) Most controversy lies on the monophyly of Aplacophora, relationships within Conchifera, the placement of Polyplacophora; common diphyly
Bivalve species included in the project new dataset for a total of 64 species
ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) are a randomly sequenced subset of expressed genes that are derived from messenger RNAs via complimentary DNA (cDNA) libraries mRNA Reverse transcriptase RNA cDNA synthesis of 2nd strand of DNA dsDNA Forward Sequence Primer 3’ EST Reverse Sequence Primer 5’ EST adaptors conected to the cDNA
Assemblies of raw ESTs into unique transcripts with assembler software Orthology assignment – gene selection and matrix assembly Clusters evaluation Phylogeny inference from nucleotides and AAs matrices ~50,000 reads per taxon Public data assign new sequences to old clusters