Temporary operations and project research
Projects: Definition A unique, non-repetitive task With a predetermined date of delivery Specified out from one or several goals Consisting of a number of complex and/or mutually dependent activities
Project management history Before industrialism: Important ventures like crusades and warfare organized as projects. No managerial philosophy then. 1911 Taylorism/Scientific Management. Henry L Gantt invents the Gantt-schedule in 1910. Used in large constrcuction projects such as the Hoover Dam and the Interstate highway network. 1931: Karol Adamiecki (actually the father of the Gantt chart) constructs the first network diagram, the s c Harmonogram.
Project management history 1942-45: Manhattan project (USA). 2 bn USD in turnover, at most 120.000 employees. - Management by objectives (MBO) - Parallel activities. 1950’s: Operations analysis, RAND Corporation 1957: Sputnik shock, Polaris project initiated.
Project management history Polaris project: 250 contractors and 9.000 sub-contractors are coordinated in the execution of 70.000 activities by means of PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). 1956-59: CPM (Critical Path Method) constructed at DuPont, independently of PERT. PERT and CPM are much alike and are both the original methods of network planning
Project management history 1959: The concept ”project manager” first mentioned in Harvard Business Review. 1960’s: Large interest in matrix organisations 1967: INTERNET (IPMA) and PMI founded. 1968 starts Föreningen Nätplan in Sverige (later Svenskt Projektforum).
Project management history 1980’s: Growing interest in organization and leadership issues in projects. The project form spreads to More industries, More applications Smaller tasks Internal tasks.
Project management history 1987: PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) presented in its first edition by PMI. Increasing ambitions to certify project managers as PMP’s (Project Management Professionals). 1990’s: Project-based firms, standardisation of certifications
Traditionally: Project management research implies development of A set of operations management-inspired models and techniques for the effective handling of time-limited unique tasks
From Project Management to project research Forms and stages of critique Levels of analysis New theoretical linkages Schools of thought
Project research as critique Makes people comfortable Organizational critique Taxonomy/typology, Bounded rationality, planning critique, learning, stakeholder management, temporary organisations, improvisation, work life Traditional project management Systems theory, planning models, team dynamics, stage-gate models, control systems Makes things complicated Make things simple Ideological critique Power and control, actor network theory, gender, diversity, labour process Effectiveness critique Multi project methods, Critical Chain, Risk analysis, project evaluation & audit, communication, project maturity Makes people uncomfortable
Project research in new levels of analysis Global economy Society Project research in new levels of analysis The industry The application The organization The project office The project portfolio The project The team The individual
Theoretical links ??? Entrepreneurship/ innovation Leadership/teamwork Communication/IT Social psychology Operations mgmt Organization theory Projekt Critical mgmt-theory SCM/logistics Industrial dynamics Operations analysis Management control Finance
Modern schools of thought Optimization school Factor school Situation school Behavioural school Transaction school Marketing school Decision school HRM school Critical management theory school