Designing with Six Sigma
Agenda Six Sigma basics What is DFSS Applying DFSS Leading the DFSS process
Why does your Company exist? Why do you go to work? Why does your Company exist?
3 basic rules Improve throughput Improve Quality Increase profits Anything else is just warm fuzzies Service – Process - Product
Continuous Improvement Project Management LEAN 6s KAIZEN 5S PDP Change Agent TQM TQP
Big picture of Six Sigma Helping organizations make change a core competency Focuses on three key capabilities What & when to change Upgrade or Continuously Improve Insight and creativity to create new processes, products and services
Traditional Six Sigma D M A I C Focused on the Voice of the Customer Fact based Data driven Structured Problem solving process D Define M Measure A Analyze I Improve C Control
Six Sigma as a management tool Focus on the customer Focus on data Focus on the process Proactive - designed to improve quality and performance by removing variation within an existing process or product Focus on Collaboration
Six Sigma as a Statistical Measure Measure of a processes performance Calculated based on Defects Per Million Opportunities DPMO
Sigma vs. DPMO 1 sigma – 690,000 DPMO – 31% When is good is good enough?
4 sigma Over one hour of unsafe drinking water every month Ten unsafe landings each week at the Calgary international Airport. 16,000 pieces of mail lost in the per day 500 incorrect surgical operations each week 50 Newborn babies dropped at birth by doctors per day 22,000 checks deducted from the wrong bank accounts each hour
The 5 sigma wall Most companies hit a wall at 5 sigma.
Choose DFSS When … A product or process is not in existence at your company and one needs to be developed The existing product or process exists and has been optimized (using either DMAIC or not) and still doesn't meet the level of customer specification or six sigma level DMAIC DFSS Project Management Cultural tools Facilitation skills Incremental Improvement Design or Redesign Change Agent
Design for Six Sigma Built on Six Sigma Principles Adds new tools like Quality Functional Deployment (QFD) Focuses is heavy on Solution Refinement through Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Design Of Experiment (DOE) and Simulations Suitable for the design of Products, Processes or services alike
DFSS Principles Must Provide value in the eye of the customer Front load the pain – Make it right the first time – Develop robust solutions – Spend resources where it counts the most Ensure capability to meet customers needs Commitment to excellence Concentrate on communication within your team and with your customer
Benefits of DFSS Clear design strategy with clearly defined project criteria Project focused on the Customer Vision is locked and team moves with Cohesiveness Strong co-ordination amongst team members Issues are debugged prior to implementation Lower overall cost of implementation and operation
The DFSS Process D Define M Measure A Analyze Design V Verify
DMADV - Define Understand the customers needs Identify critical customer requirements Moment of Truth. Interaction point with customer Scandinavian Airlines Front-load the pain Gain consensus on goals and outcomes Build a sense of direction
DMADV – Define continued Create a vision of what success is Identify project scope Identify preliminary project time line End result, a design document which serves as a guiding reference for the remainder of the project
DMADV - Measure Develop future measures of success Establish tolerances Determine budgeting Product design - Select crucial features and determine how to measure them Process design – identifying potential errors and how to prevent them
DMADV - Analyze Identify concepts for the new product or process Identify how each step in the process contributes to the overall performance Challenge assumptions & paradigms Absolute criteria matrix / Weighted Criteria matrix Narrow to small list of concept proposals
DMADV - Design Details design alternatives Selects best of the best Focus on testing … testing … testing Once ideas are defined in sufficient details each is evaluated in terms of failure resistance, predicted capability and impact on Customer requirements Ideas are simulated, tested as prototypes and optimized to produce the best option
DMADV – Design continued Goal – aim for robust solutions Failure Mode & Effects Analysis FMEA Anti Brainstorming (Devil’s Advocate) Process variation analysis Process map analysis Bench Marking Simulations – Design of Experiment -
DMADV - Validate Similar to DMAIC Control phase Testing & deployment Ensures necessary documentation, monitoring systems and response plans are in place prior to implementation
Applying DFSS Decide if increment improvement or large scale change is needed. Identify Critical Customer Requirements through the Voice of the Customer Be aware that DFSS requires approximately 15% more resources up front during the Define phase
Leading DFSS Develop a Six Sigma culture within your company Passion for change Driven from top down … Executed from bottom up Implement Six Sigma team structure
Black Belts as Leaders Leaders are known as change agents Visible, active, public engagement and attention that relentlessly supports change Willing to put their reputation on the line Personal initiative and support for other's involvement Accountability for accomplishing change
Black Belt Schedules, arranges, and conducts the work sessions. Models performance standards, change management, facilitation skills, and trust-building behaviours. Mentors Green Belts. Prepares project tollgate reviews for the champions and local management.
Green Belts Support Black Belts as team members Lead small projects in their area of expertise Reports to a Black Belt or Champion for the Six Sigma project
Project Champion Oversees Six Sigma projects. Helps develop the Project Charter Ensures adequate resources are available time, support, money Gives approval before the project moves to the next tollgate phase Avoids “taking over” the team or dictating a solution for the team to implement.
Team Members The Team Members are the workers and the knowledge base for Six Sigma projects They are selected for their specific knowledge and may be part of the team for the entire project or just specific phases The Black Belt will lead but the team will come up with the solutions They should have a minimum of awareness training but will learn the process as they work though their project