KEEPING BUGS AT BAY Clinical Nurse Specialist Infection Prevention & Control
The IP&C Service – who we are Director of Infection Prevention & Control Clinical Nurse Specialists Infection Prevention & Control –All hospital sites and divisions Infection Prevention & Control LINK Reps –Each ward and clinical area After hours advisory service via switchboard
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Bugs that cause illness can be found everywhere…
The Healthcare Environment
Everyone’s Responsibility
The single most effective way to reduce spread is...
Areas missed!
How to clean your hands…
5 Moments for Hand Hygiene
Protects the patient - & YOU!
What does this mean in health care?
And by the way…
Respiratory Hygiene Cough & Sneeze Etiquette Covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing Use tissues, use once and dispose into a rubbish bin Perform hand hygiene
Infection Prevention – for everyone…