The King James Bible Karoli Kahn XA
The King James Bible † A translation of the Bible into the English language † Published in 1611 † Most acknowledged English Bible
The Creation † In January 1604 King James calls the Hampton Court Conference to discuss church issues † John Reynolds, Puritan president of Corpus Christi College, makes a proposal to start a new translation of the Bible King James I of England
Translators † 47 of the best biblical scholars and linguists † Devoted men, who were ready to make sacrifices to achieve their spiritual pursuits † Worked in 6 committees † Process took 7 years ( )
The King James Bible Today † Difficult to understand for average people † Very many new translations † Most precise translation † Flowing language and prose rhythm † In the UK the Authorised King James Version can only be produced by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, HarperCollins and the Queen’s Printers. † There are no copyright restrictions elsewhere in the world.
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