The Declaration of Independence
Turning Point Lexington and Concord marked a turning point for the colonies. Americans were shocked and wondered what they should do about the trouble with Great Britain. The colonies could declare their independence, but that would lead to war. Or they could protest with petitions, but would that work?
Patrick Henry Patrick Henry of Virginia was outspoken about the colonies need for independence. In a famous speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses, Patrick Henry spoke the words: I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
The War Begins On May 10, 1775, the Second Continental Congress (made up of all 13 colonies) met in Philadelphia. John Adams suggested they create a “continental army” made up of troops from all of the colonies. He recommended George Washington from Virginia to lead this army. Delegates agreed that Washington should be the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.
The Battle of Bunker Hill Militiamen in Boston built and fort and secured the 2 hills that overlooked the city: Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill. British General William Howe was worried by the fort and sent 2,000 British troops to march up Breed’s Hill. Militia leader, Israel Putnam ordered his men, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”
The Battle of Bunker Hill Only when the British were almost on top of the hill did the militiamen fire. The red lines (British soldiers) broke and fell back in confusion. The British regrouped and attacked again, but were stopped by the Americans. Redcoats (British) attacked a third time and finally took the hill. Americans had used up all their gunpowder and pulled back.
The Battle of Bunker Hill This battle was misnamed the “Battle of Bunker Hill.” It was actually fought on Breed’s Hill. It was very bloody. More than 1,000 British troops were killed or wounded. Almost 500 Americans were killed or wounded. This was only the beginning of the war.
Washington’s Army A week after the Battle of Bunker Hill, George Washington took command of his new army. The army was made up of a variety of people – all untrained and with little discipline. Washington turned an undisciplined army of troops from all the colonies into an effective fighting force.
Ticonderoga After a month, Washington has only 36 barrels of gunpowder left. This was only enough for each solider to fire 9 shots. To trick the British, Washington started a rumor that Boston had 1,800 barrels of gunpowder. The British fell for the trick and this allowed Washington time to try to find more gunpowder – he succeeded.
Ticonderoga To attack the British from Boston, Washington needed artillery – heavy guns, cannons – in order to bombard British defenses. Washington sent a Boston bookseller, Henry Knox, to Fort Ticonderoga to round up some big guns. Ticonderoga was an old British fort in New York.
Ticonderoga A few months earlier, militiamen seized the fort, but Americans had little use for a run-down fort. Now, the fort would be helpful and the guns would be priceless. As winter approached, Knox loaded 59 cannons onto huge sleds and dragged them 300 miles to Boston. He also had 42 sleds with 2,300 pounds of lead for future bullets. Boston was about to be put under siege (military blockade of a city).
The Siege of Boston On March 4, 1776, the British soldiers in Boston woke up to a city surrounded by American cannons. British General Howe didn’t want to risk another bloodbath and within days, more than 100 British ships left Boston Harbor to go to Canada. The ships carried 9,000 British troops and 1,100 Loyalists who would rather leave their homes than live with the Patriot rebels.
Toward Independence A year passed between the battles at Lexington and Concord and the British retreat from Boston. During that time, there was little talk of independence. Most colonists still thought of themselves as loyal British subjects. Their conflict was not with Great Britain itself, but with its policies toward the colonies.
The Olive Branch Petition Americans were still hoping for peace with Great Britain. July 1775, Congress sent a petition to King George asking him to end the conflict. John Adams called this petition an “olive branch” because olive tree branches are an ancient symbol of peace.
The Olive Branch Petition By the time the petition reached London, the King had declared the colonies to be in rebellion and called them traitors. Being called traitors angered the colonists. They felt that they must be “independent or slaves.”
Common Sense Some colonists were still afraid of the idea of independence. Patriot, Thomas Paine published a fiery pamphlet called, Common Sense. Paine argued that American ties to Great Britain only benefited Great Britain. He also argued that colonists did not owe loyalty to King George. Paine’s arguments helped persuade thousands of colonists that their futures would be better they had their independence.
Thomas Jefferson Drafts a Declaration A few weeks after the British left Boston, the Continental Congress chose a committee to write a declaration (formal statement) of independence. The task of writing it went to the committee’s youngest member, 33 year-old, Thomas Jefferson. Helping him revise and edit were John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. Jefferson did not speak much in the committee, but he spoke brilliantly with his pen.
Thomas Jefferson Drafts a Declaration Jefferson was to explain to the world why the colonies were choosing the separate themselves from Britain. “When in the course of human events,” he began, if one people finds it necessary to break its ties with another, “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind” requires they explain their actions.
Natural Rights Jefferson’s explanation was simple, but revolutionary. Loyalists argued the colonists had a duty to obey the King (whose authority came from God.) Jefferson reasoned differently. All people are born equal in God’s sight and are entitled to the same basic rights. Governments are formed to secure these rights and come to power by the consent of the governed. People can create a new government that will protect “their safety and happiness.”
The King’s Crimes Jefferson argued that King George showed no concern for the colonists rights, but instead, the king’s policies aimed at an absolute tyranny over the colonies. He included a list of the king’s abuses of his power. Jefferson claimed that King George III was “unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” He stated that the colonies should break free from Great Britain. These united colonies…ought to be free and independent states.”
The Final Break On July 1, 1776, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to debate independence. At the end of the day, the issue was still undecided. July 2, 1776, all but one colony voted for independence. New York cast no vote. The colonies independence was decided on July 2, but Congress was not done editing the Declaration.
Debate over Slavery Most of the delegates liked Jefferson’s Declaration, except for one part: King George violated the “sacred rights of life and liberty…of a distant people by carrying them into slavery.” Southerners were concerned the passage might lead to demands to free the slaves. Northerners worried that New England merchants, who profited from the slave trade, might be offended. Others felt it was unfair to blame the king for African slavery. The passage was removed.
Independence Day! On July 4, 1776, delegates approved a final version of the Declaration of Independence. One by one they stepped forward to sign it. In doing so, they pledged to support independence with “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” This was a serious pledge. Every signer knew he was committing treason again Great Britain.
Independence Day! If the new “United States of America” failed to win its freedom, each of them could end up being hanged. Knowing this, Benjamin Franklin told the delegates, “we must all hang together. Or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”