Bulgarian Human Resources Management and Development Association January, years – a guarantor of expertise in the management and development of human resources
Established in 2000, the Bulgarian Human Resources Management and Development Association (BHRMDA) is a non-governmental organization that aims to provide support and develop professionals in the human resource management and development area and to raise the status of the profession as a whole. BHRMDA is a member of: Mission : BHRMDA
Purposes: To support and develop HR professionals; To promote the HR profession; To offer different opportunities for professional development through a wide network of forums and discussions; To inform weekly and monthly its members concerning current news and issues within the HRM area. BHRMDA
Management: General Assembly Management Board Financial Supervision Committee The administrative body of BHRMDA consists of four employees, managed by a CEO BHRMDA
More than 750 individual and corporate members working in the area of management and development of human resources Members : BHRMDA
What we do: Annual events: International HR conference and HR forum; Discussions and round tables for sharing experience and know-how; Strategy for HR standards and certification process; HR Training Academy and HR school; Position in the labor market and legislation; Projects in the area of business and education; Active participation in European and international initiatives in the area of management and development of human resources. BHRMDA
Annual HR awards: On December 16 th 2011, BHRMDA awarded the 9 th annual HR awards for successful projects within the human resources management and development area BHRMDA
Current projects : -Establishment of sectoral competency model of the tourism sector as a part of a national project of the Bulgarian Industrial Association “Development of Workforce Competence Assessment System by Sectors and Regions” ; -Green Employability – “A synergic transfer of a VET training system for workplace basic skills with ecological sustainability awareness in three European countries ”; BHRMDA
Contacts: 49 “Knyaz Boris I” Str, fl.1, app. 2 Sofia 1000 Bulgaria BHRMDA Tel , Fax: