APA Style
APA Style Used for Term papers Research Papers Empirical studies Literature Reviews Theoretical Articles Methodological Articles Case Studies
Why APA? APA Regulates: Stylistics In-text Citations References (a list of sources used in the paper)
Parts of the APA Style Paper Title Page (1) Abstract (1) Main Body (5) References (1) Appendices if any
APA Format Typed/word Processed Double Spaced Two spaces after the punctuation at the end of a sentences Font with Times New Roman size 12 1 inch margins on all sides
Language in APA Style Clear: be specific in description and explanations Concise: Condense information when you can Plain: Use simple, descriptive adjectives and minimize the figurative language
Title Paper Running Heading- A short title of your paper in capital letters flush left at the top of the page Page Number-Flush right at the top of the page Title of your paper-No more that 12 words in length Your Name Your school
Abstract Concise summary of the key points of your research Should be 4-5 sentences or about 100 words May include “key words” that will help other researchers find your work in databases
Main Body Begins on Page 3 Title of paper in capital and lower case letters is centered one line below the running head An introduction to the work is written on line below the title. It is not labeled Do not use first person pronouns. Refer to yourself a “the writer”, “the researcher” or another form in the 3rd person Avoid using passive voice
References When compiling the reference list, the strategy below might be useful: Identify a type source: book, journal article, webpage Find a sample of citing this type of source in the textbook or in the Owl APA guide “Mirror” the sample Arrange reference list in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author or by title if there is not author References cited within the text must appear in the reference list and vise-versa Hanging indents should be used for the reference list entries
Example Marshall, J.A. (2005). The mental and emotional life of adults. New York, NY: Statue Enterprises.
References Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the article or book title. Proper nouns are also capitalized as well as the word following a colon. Double space between lines in a reference and between references Journal titles should have every major word capitalized Italicize journal titles, volume numbers and the comma following the journal title
Self-citation It is plagiarism if you use content from a previous work you created unless you list it on your reference page You must also cite in the text of your new work Write author’s last name followed by a comma followed by the publication year which is enclosed in parentheses http://citationmachine.net
Tables and Figures Not necessary Double spaced Brief title Referenced in text of paper
APA Websites www.apastyle.org/index.aspx http://owl.english.purdue.edu http://nutsandbolts.washcoll.edu/apa.html