Islamic Culture By: Yasmin Alshimari
Intro In this presentation I am going to talk about how the islamic community was when they came to Canada and now. I am also going to discuss why they came to Canada and about their culture and some significant events that happened.
Islam in the past Immigration started around 1871 and most of them came Early islam/muslim ito Ontario and Alberta. By 1931 their numbers increased to about 645 people. At the time most of the islam/muslims were Lebanese, Albanian, Syrian, Yugoslavian and Turkish. The influence of the immigrants from the second world war caused more muslim people to immigrate ,and by that time the muslim people in Canada's amount raised to 33 370 muslim people. In the past there was a lot of racism and judging about why islamic people wear religious head dresses. The reason the islamic people came to Canada was because they wanted to escape discrimination and the wars in their countries.That were sadly caused by the countries they came to.They also wanted higher education, security and employment.
Islam Present Islam nowadays is much better than islam in the past. Nowadays there is less racism to islamic people. But unfortunately there is still a lot of racism to islamic people, because of how the islamic women wear religious head dresses. The population of Islamic people is growing very fast and because of that, now there is about 1 053 945 or 3.2 percent of islamic people living in Canada today. Most of the islamic people living in Canada live in the Toronto area. There is 424 925 islamic people living in the Toronto area.
Significant Event(s) A somewhat significant event that happened in Canada was when the Almustafa mosque went out and gave out flowers and hot chocolate to random people and on each flower there was a note that said things about islamic beliefs. This happened here in Hamilton somewhere near Jackson square. Another significant event is the annual Hajj pilgrimage. It is one of the worlds largest annual gatherings, as hundreds of thousands of islamic people gather at Hajj to participate in islam's five pillars of faith. Muslims from all over the world will gather together for five days and they will pray as one community and celebrate their history and give thanks to god(Allah).
Culture The islamic culture has many beliefs and rules. In this culture they have lots of special holidays. A big holiday they have is called Eid. In this holiday the children receive money from their relatives and the whole family gathers together and goes out. Another holiday is Ramadan. Ramadan lasts for a whole month and in that month they fast. Fasting means they don't eat the whole day until supper. They do this to feel how the poor and hungry feel. The islamic girls have to wear a religious headdress called a hijab. Then they have to wear long clothing too. They do this to cover their bodies from men. They are only allowed to show their hair to women and men they are engaged/married to.
Fun Facts In 1871 there was only 13 muslims in Canada. Islam is the second largest growing religion. Christianity is the first growing religion. Ontario has the most islamic people living there, especially around the greater toronto area. Islam is an Arabic word that means “peace,” “security,” and “surrender.” Famous Muslims in America include Janet Jackson, Muhammad Ali and Shaquille O’Neal. Although Muslims are often associated with the Arab world, fewer than 15% of Muslims are Arabs. Muslims are found among all ethnic groups, nationalities, and countries. In November 2013, Marvel announced that a 16-year-old Pakistani Muslim American girl, Kamala Khan, from New Jersey will be one of their lead superheroes.
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