Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Wall Project Geotechnical Design CEG 4801 Fall 2010 Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E. Due Date: 9/30/2010
A reinforced earth retaining wall is to be 20 ft high. The properties of the backfill material are kN/m 3 and . Galvanized steel ties are to be used for the construction of the wall. Design the Reinforcements with FS (B) = 3, FS (p) = 3, f y = 2.4x10 5 kN/m 2 and tie The properties of the in-situ soil below the retaining wall are kN/m 3 , and c = 0. Design the panels and the ties of the wall. W
Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Walls or Segmental Walls By: Kamal Tawfiq [Spring 2009]
Kamal Tawfiq, Ph.D., P.E.
Using Galvanized Steel
Using Geogrids
Stability of MSE Walls
Block Failure
MSE Key Stone Wall
Geotextile Walls