Caring in Nursing Presented by : Nick Kurek
Objectives Explore caring in nursing Provide an opportunity for self-assessment, self-awareness, & self-reflection Cognitively reflect upon the importance of caring for ourselves so we can care for others Realize that we will be the recipient of nursing care
Caring is inherent to Nursing
What is Caring? The Free Dictionary (2002) defines caring: “Caring is a feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others; showing or having compassion”.
Merrill et al (2012) state, “Caring is the heart and artistry of nursing so understanding what actions, attitudes, and behaviors convey caring is essential to good practice” (p.36).
Caring behaviors Attentive listening Touch Comforting Sensitivity Honesty Respect Patience Responsibility Providing information so the patient can make an informed decision Calling the patient by name Vance (2003) states the top ten caring behaviors are:
Clukey et al (2009) found that “the dominant behavior identified as being caring was explaining what was going on and interpreting medical jargon” and further stated that “appearing hurried and abrupt was noted as a behavior that was not caring”(p.73).
Rhodes, Morris, & Lazenby (2011) concluded that competence and caring are interrelated and advocate for the image of nurses to become that of “competent and intelligent caregivers”.
Self Care
Jean Watson
Madeleine Leininger
Adeline Falk-Rafael
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Sooner or later…
References Chinn, P. (January 9, 2013). ANS: Advances in Nursing Science blog: Critical caring model update. Retrieved from: update/ Clukey, L., Hayes, J., Merrill, A., & Curtis, D. (2009). “Helping the understand”: Nurses’ caring behaviors as perceived by family members of trauma patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing 16(2) pp Falk-Rafael, A. (2005). Advancing nursing theory through theory-guided practice: The emergence of a critical caring perspective. Advances in Nursing Science 28(1) pp Have Fun Teaching. (2012). Caring song remix. Retrieved from: Lachman, V. D. (2012). Applying the ethics of caring to your nursing practice. MEDSURG Nursing: The Journal of Adult Health 21(2) pp
References Merrill, A.S., Hayes, J.S., Clukey, L., & Curtis, D. (2012). Do they really care? How trauma patients perceive nurses’ caring behaviors. Journal of Trauma Nursing 19 (1) pp Rhodes, M.K., Morris, A.H., & Lazenby, R. B. (2011). Nursing at its best: Competent and caring. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 16(2). Retrieved from: Stamm, B.H. (2009). Professional quality of life: compassion satisfaction and fatigue version 5 (ProQOL). Retrieved from: care/documents/measures/Compassion_Satisfaction_and_Fatig ue_-_Stamm_2009.pdf care/documents/measures/Compassion_Satisfaction_and_Fatig ue_-_Stamm_2009.pdf The Free Dictionary. (2002). Definition of caring. Retrieved from: Vance, T. (2003). Caring and the professional practice of nursing. Retrieved from: nursing/caring-and-the-professional-practice-of-nursing nursing/caring-and-the-professional-practice-of-nursing