A Comparison of PACKRAT Scores between Bachelor and Master Curriculum Students in one PA Program Edwards, Kaiser, Lobbes, Peterson, Satterblom Butler University/Clarian Health Physician Assistant Program SG7 SG7 INTRODUCTION PACKRAT – a multiple choice exam patterned after the PANCE Butler University PA Program Recently change from a Bachelor’s Degree (BS) program to a Master’s Degree (MS) program. PACKRAT is a good predictor of the PANCE1 Higher PANCE pass rates were achieved by MS students when compared to BS students2 PANCE pass rates and overall scores were higher for MS students as compared to BS students3 A review of the literature revealed no published studies that analyzed the difference between MS programs and BS programs on PACKRAT performance. PURPOSE To evaluate the difference between the means of PACKRAT scores of two independent groups of PA students Research Question: Does the mean score for the PACKRAT exam for the first Master’s class exceed that of the last Bachelor’s class? RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS The mean PACKRAT score for the Master’s class of 2008 will exceed the mean PACKRAT score of the Bachelor’s class of 2006. METHODS Retrospective observational explanatory study Variables DV – PACKRAT score IDV – Bachelor or Master program Subjects included students enrolled in Butler University’s PA Program classes of 2006 and 2008 Exam scores and demographic data were obtained from Professor Don Frosch. Analyzed using an independent t test with SPSS version 15.0 IRB approval was obtained for this study a priori power analysis yielded a recommended sample size of 78 RESULTS Based on the sample means tested, there is no evidence that PACKRAT scores for the Master’s class exceeds the PACKRAT scores of the Bachelor’s class. [t (66.76) = -1.271, p > .05]. CONCLUSIONS The Master’s class PACKRAT scores did not exceed the Bachelor’s class scores The Research Hypothesis was incorrect and the null retained The unexpected results could be explained by small sample size Strength The two groups were equal with regards to Demographic data Assumptions Parent populations are normally distributed Major Limitations Curriculum and instructor changes Different version of PACKRAT Lack of Master’s program maturation Potentially important for determining the benefit of changing from a Bachelor’s to a Master’s program Recommendations Reevaluate after Master’s curriculum matures and more classes can be compared REFERENCES: Wilson DE. PACKRAT: A predictor of success on the PANCE [master’s thesis].Wichita, Ks: Wichita State University; 2006. McDowell L, Clemens D, Frosch D. Analysis of physician assistant program performance on the PANCE based on degree granted, length of curriculum, and duration of accreditation. Perspective on Physician Assistant Education. 1999;10:180-184. Hooker RS, Hess B, Cipher D. A comparison of physician assistant programs by national certification examination scores. Perspective on Physician Assistant Education. 2002;13:81-86. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Our thanks to Professors Donald Frosch and Jennifer Snyder for assisting in our project Class N Mean Std. Dev PACKRAT SCORE 2006 35 125.94 11.73 2008 37 130.05 15.55 Levene’s test t test F Sig. t df PACKRAT SCORE Equal variances assumed 7.108 0.010 -1.261 70.00 0.106 Equal variances not assumed -1.271 66.76 0.104