©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 61 Staffing and Human Resource Management
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 62 Learning Outcomes Describe the human resource management process Learn how government regulations affect human resource decisions Study job descriptions and job specifications Contrast recruitment and downsizing options Explain how validity and reliability impact selection
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 63 Learning Outcomes Review various selection devices Identify various training methods Review performance evaluation techniques Review compensation administration and factors that affect wage structures Define sexual harassment, family-friendly benefits, labor-management cooperation, workplace violence, and layoff-survivor sickness
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 64 Human Resource Management Process Human Resource Planning Recruitment or Downsizing Selection of Employees Orientation Training and Development Performance Appraisals Safety and Health Compensation and Benefits Competent High-Performing Workers
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 65 The Legal Environment of HRM Affirmative Action EmploymentTrainingRetention
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 66 Human Resource Planning Making a Future Assessment Assessment Making a Current Assessment Assessment Designing a Future Program Program
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 67 TraditionalRecruitingSources InternalSearches EmployeeReferrals EmployeeLeasingTempServices EmploymentAgencies Advertisements SchoolPlacement
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 68 FiringFiringLayoffs and Attrition Layoffs TransfersTransfersReducedWorkweeksReducedWorkweeks JobSharingJobSharingEarlyRetirementsEarlyRetirements Downsizing Options
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 69 Reject Error Reject Error Correct Decision Correct Decision Accept Error Accept Error Correct Decision Correct Decision Selection Decision AcceptReject Successful Unsuccessful Later Job Performance Selection Decision Outcomes
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 610 SelectionDevicesSelectionDevices PerformanceSimulationsPerformanceSimulations WrittenTestsWrittenTests
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 611 The Effectiveness of Interviews Prior knowledge about an applicant Attitude of the interviewer The order of the interview Negative information The first five minutes The content of the interview The validity of the interview Structured versus unstructured interviews
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 612 Well-MatchedApplicantsWell-MatchedApplicants RealisticExpectationsRealisticExpectations IncreasedCommitmentIncreasedCommitment Realistic Job Previews Realistic
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 613 Employee Orientation Smooth Insider-Outsider Transition Improve Work Performance Minimize Resignations Smooth Insider-Outsider Transition Improve Work Performance Minimize Resignations
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 614 Employee Training Determine strategic goals Identify essential tasks Determine critical behaviors Assess deficiencies in skills, knowledge, and abilities
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 615 TrainingMethodsTrainingMethods JobRotationJobRotation SimulationExercisesSimulationExercises ClassroomLecturesClassroomLectures UnderstudyAssignmentsUnderstudyAssignments VestibuleTrainingVestibuleTraining Films and Videos Films
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 616 MultipersonGraphic Rating Scales CriticalIncidentsWrittenEssay BARS Performance Appraisal Methods 360-DegreeAppraisalMBO
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 617 EmployeeCounselingDisciplineProblems Performance Problems on the Job
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 618 Compensation Administration Knowledge, skills, abilities Authority and responsibility Nature of the business The environment Geographic location Performance levels Seniority Compensation philosophy
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 619 DeterminingBenefitsDetermining Pay Levels Administration of Employee Compensation
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 620 WorkforceDiversity SexualHarassment Current HRM Issues
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 621 Family-FriendlyBenefits Unions and Management Current HRM Issues
©Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 622 WorkplaceViolence Survivors of Layoffs Current HRM Issues