PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – A FUNDAMENTAL RESOURCE FOR SUCCESS Associate Professor Ph. D. Georgiana CORCACI University "Petre Andrei" of Iasi, Department of Psychology
SUMMARY Ancestry and evolution that we obtain in a particular field or in a particular activity is the result of objectives from an organized thing. What is truly performance? I am a powerful person? When I know I achieved performance? What are the ingredients of performance? To answer these new questions have turned to sites such databases. Michael Armstrong (2003) shows that "performance is achieved special success in an industry”. Performance includes "activities that ensure that the objectives are consistently met in an effective and efficient". Here, therefore, derived from the answer above: "The performance is success in terms of efficiency and effectiveness".
Effectiveness is the measure of the degree to which certain objectives are met, the efficiency is about the size of resources used for this purpose. Should note that when a person does what he can and likes the results are outstanding, accumulated stress is minimal, and professional recognition is maximum. In this context, we sought to emphasize that the companies were part of the evaluation, there is concern from the management team for a management career.
For this desideratum we proposed the following objectives: 1. highlighting the influence on career preparation and professional development; 2. highlighting the influence of trainings on performance; 3. highlighting the influence of motivation on becoming professional; 4. influence of periodic assessments for a successful career. Investigated sample consists of 100 people, 62 men and 38 women, aged between 21 and 35 years. Methods used in the present research are observation and questionnaire. Performance is successful. In the present study we intend to demonstrate that performance has an important role in developing a successful career for those of employees who feel "right man at the right place". Keywords: management, performance, success, evaluation.
Biographical information about the author: Associate Professor Ph.D. Georgiana CORCACI, is director of the Master of Human Resource Management, Human Resources Director of the Center, coordinator of the Humanitarian Program "Help us help them" the University "Petre Andrei" of Iasi, Faculty of Psychology. Today is a post-doctoral research in management with relevance advanced forensic psychiatry at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Iasi. PhD in Psychology, University of Bucharest, field - psychology. He has a Master in Integrated Education, Department of Psychology, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi. A graduate of Psychology, University "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi. He is a member in projects carried out by European funds. Specializes in organizational psychology and management, with experience in: psycho evaluation for selection, recruitment, performance evaluation, career development, individual and organizational SWOT analysis. Publications: 1. Single author - Practice and theory in psychology managerial Junimea House, Iasi psychological dimensions relevant to performance in educational management, Junimea Publishing, Science, 2. Co-author - Ruxandra R ă șcanu, Georgiana Corcaci, development, differences, psychological dysfunction in the current landscape, University of Bucharest, 3. He has published articles listed in the relevant international databases in work psychology, organizational psychology and human resource management. Four. He participated in numerous national and international conferences in the country and abroad.