Why? 10 valid reasons:
1) To be able to communicate with more than 400 million speakers world wide!
2) To understand similarities between Maltese and Spanish! Maltese & Spanish have a lot of similarities. The way we speak Maltese is the same way we put words in Spanish. Example: Jien ghandi tnax-il sena: - Yo tengo doce años.
3) Enhance your travel experiences
4) Widen your career opportunities
6) Study abroad 7) To gain a better understanding of the culture of Spanish speaking countries:
8) Make new friends from all over the world Spanish is an official language in four continents
9) Learning Spanish is a smart choice! Studying another language makes you more intelligent! You can take up Spanish at Intermediate / Advanced Level. At University you can be part of the Hispanic Studies course.
10) It is easy!!! Because Spanish is almost phonetically perfect, one can look at nearly every word and be able to pronounce it!!