S2 Spanish Awareness Clydebank High School
Spanish in a Global Context Approximately 365 million native Spanish speakers in the world today 1 st language in 21 countries – Spain, most of South America, parts of Africa and Asia Pacific 2 nd most widely spoken language in USA * Wikipedia & Ministerio de Educación y Ciencias Spain has Europe’s highest economic growth rate Over 50,000 British people have holiday homes in Spain
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Why S1 pupils choose Spanish…. had heard it was quite easy to learn! go to Spain on holiday and wanted to learn Spanish really enjoy studying languages holidays to Spain so understand a bit already future job prospects, university it will be useful for when I travel round the world my aunt has a holiday home in Spain want to continue studying Higher in the future
Comments pupils have made about Spanish… If you like languages, you’ll enjoy Spanish Only choose it if you want to, but it’s a fun language It’s a fun, easy and enjoyable language to learn! It’ll help if you go to countries that speak Spanish on holiday It’s easier than French! If you pick it, stick at it as it could help you in the future It’s quite challenging to start with but good in the long run I want to be a lawyer in Spain when I’m older French has helped me work out the Spanish meanings
QUIZ… ? ?
1)Barcelona hosted the Olympic Games in: a) 1992 b) 1994 c) 1996
2)Spanish is an official language in: a)15 countries b) 21 countries c) 30 countries
3)In which of these Latin American countries is Spanish not spoken? a)Peru b) Venezuela c) Brasil
4) Rafael Nadal is a famous…: a)singer b) politician c) tennis player
5) The Spanish word ‘fiesta’ means: a)a party b) a wee sleep c) a car
6)Spanish is spoken by approximately how many people round the world? a)45 million b) 400 million c) 140 million
7) Antonio Banderas (actor) is: a)Spanish b) Mexican c) Cuban
8) Which of the following is not from Spain? a)paella b) mayonnaise c) fajitas
Finalmente… Spain is THE most visited country in the world! Spanish is the language of Mexico City – the largest city in the world! PUPILS ENJOY SPANISH!!! Motivated pupils enjoy learning when the subject interests them and tend to perform better in exams!