Junk Food Science Role Play KS2 Lesson CPD Slides
Outcomes Be aware of the Junk Food Science Project videos and associated curriculum and CPD resources Be aware of the Junk Food Science Role Play KS 3 and 4 Lesson videos and associated curriculum resources Planned how you will use the Role Play resources with your class
Project Team Teachers TV Centre for Science Education, Sheffield Hallam University Illumina
Project Aims To support the teaching and learning of Food and Healthy Eating through the use of innovative contexts, curriculum and CPD videos and resources
Resources Student Classroom Videos Teachers’ Notes Classroom PowerPoints Classroom paper-based resources CPD videos CPD PowerPoints
Role Play KS2 lesson resources ‘News Report’ - Role Play KS3 and 4 Lesson Teacher Notes – download these at Presentation for use in class – ‘Role Play KS3 and 4 Lesson Sample Slides’ – download this at CPD Video – ‘Teaching the KS2 Role Play Lesson’ Download these resources from the Teachers TV website to use in this session
Benefits of using role play it explores view points is highly appropriate for dealing with controversial issues the view of the student role is studied and not the actual student students learn to control feelings and emotions learning is both very active and interactive promotes group learning and cooperation relates to real issues highly motivating develops speaking and listening helps focus on problems and their solutions
Role play process Any successful role play follows the following five phase process Preparation Briefing (getting into role) Action Debriefing (in role) Follow-up (out of role)
Preparation consider the role play objectives decide on the type of role play consider what stimulus you will use, e.g. video, audio tape, magazine, newspaper, quote, letter, case study, questionnaire, script from play decide whether you need a short, warm-up activity identify and clarify the issues involved, raise awareness and consider different perspectives supply students with necessary knowledge and understanding - try using small group discussion or active reading and writing for this use warm-up activities to establish views and knowledge, e.g. value continuum, or statements game introduce the role play gradually, perhaps using questions such as, ‘can you give me an example of …?’ or ‘What would the person do or say?’ Prepare the classroom allocate roles
Briefing get students to write or rewrite their role briefs involve all the students allow adequate time if role cards/briefs are given out, students build up a better role picture if they: underline views held by the character rewrite brief in the first person devise questions on the back of the role card to help develop the character ‘work-up’ characters in pairs each person interviews the other a list is made of how characters might feel or react in the situation
Action students should be fully briefed and in role continuity is ensured only if there is thorough advance preparation students need to be fully ‘in-role’ use a suitable room and surroundings create a sense of occasion, particularly if using a grand scenario, or public inquiry approach generate an atmosphere of reality - use props but keep them to a minimum, e.g. name tags, telephone, tables, posters initiate the action and step back leave responsibility with the students if you need to step in again, try to do so in-role
Debrief debriefing should be done while the students are still in-role (this way only the character or role is under attack, and not the student) debrief in small groups (pairs, fours) particularly when exploring personal feelings in anticipation of a whole group discussion summarise what has been learned from the role play as you go orchestrate the discussion rather than saying too much yourself establish the facts and any decisions which have been reached
Follow-up Once students have been debriefed, and are out of role, get answers to the following questions: what do students think happened? how do they feel about their role and other peoples’ roles? what decisions were taken and what do they think about these? what do students think they were trying to achieve? had they changed their views? Also follow-up with regard the issue in an active and balanced way probably through active writing to consolidate the learning
Starter Watch the ‘News Report’ - video What were the arguments for and against the ban
CPD video Read the Teacher’s Notes, ‘Role Play KS3 and 4 Lesson Sample Slides’ PowerPoint and then Watch the CPD video ( lesson ) lesson Discuss the following questions How did the teacher prepare the students for the role play? What did the students do to get into role during the briefing phase? What did the students do during the action? How did the teacher debrief the role play? What did the students do to follow-up the role play? What aspects of the curriculum are covered by the lesson? Plan how you will carry out this lesson with your students
Additional Activities and Resources There are range of additional ideas provided in the Teacher’s Notes to help you develop a cross-curricular topic on Healthy Eating, including Extension work, Additional activities Science upd8 activities Links to other Teachers TV videos How would you use these additional ideas?