SUBJECTS: Complete, Simple, & Compound Mrs. Davis’s 5 th Grade Language Arts Classes
SUBJECTS The subject of a sentence tells WHO or WHAT the sentence is about. The subject is usually found at the beginning of the sentence.
SUBJECTS Jennifer is my friend. WHO is the sentence about? JENNIFER!
SUBJECTS That book was long. WHAT is the sentence about? THAT BOOK!
COMPLETE SUBJECTS The complete subject includes ALL of the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. The complete subject starts at the beginning of the sentence and ends just before the verb (predicate). So, you can easily find the subject by finding the verb first! Everything in front of the verb is the complete subject!
COMPLETE SUBJECTS My little sister’s teacher assigns a lot of homework. The early morning dew sparkled on the grass. I left my lunch in Dad’s truck this morning. An NFL quarterback will visit our school next week. (Notice the verbs in blue!)
COMPLETE SUBJECTS R E V I E W What is the complete subject? 1. All of the students in my class were late. WHO was late? All of the students in my class 2. We rode an exciting new ride at the fair. WHO rode an exciting new ride? We 3. Ten book pages are missing. WHAT are missing? Ten book pages
SIMPLE SUBJECTS The simple subject includes the single word (noun or pronoun) that tells who or what the sentence is about. The simple subject can ALWAYS be found within the complete subject.
SIMPLE SUBJECTS My little sister’s teacher assigns a lot of homework. (Who assigns?) The early morning dew sparkled on the grass. (What sparkled?) I left my lunch in Dad’s truck this morning. (Who left it?) An NFL quarterback will visit our school next week. (Who will visit?)
SIMPLE SUBJECTS R E V I E W What is the simple subject? 1. All of the students in my class were late. WHO was late? students 2. We rode an exciting new ride at the fair. WHO rode an exciting new ride? We 3. Ten book pages are missing. WHAT are missing? pages
COMPOUND SUBJECTS A compound subject includes two or more simple subjects (nouns or pronouns) that tell who or what the sentence is about. Compound subjects are usually joined by and / or.
COMPOUND SUBJECTS My new kitten and its mother followed Mom around the house. California, Colorado, and Connecticut are the only states that begin with a C. Either Steve or Sheila will have to take out the garbage. Jan or Jim can bring salad, dessert, or drinks.
COMPOUND SUBJECTS R E V I E W What are the compound subjects? 1. Pizza and hot dogs are on the menu. WHAT are on the menu? pizza, hot dogs 2. Teachers and principals are in short supply. WHAT are in short supply? teachers, principals 3. Fighting or cheating can get you suspended. WHAT can get you suspended? fighting, cheating
POP QUIZ Write the complete subject in each sentence, and circle the simple subject. 1. My brother’s football team won their game. 2. Pepperoni pizza is my favorite food. 3. Dogs make great pets. 4. The quick and timid ponies scattered. Now, rewrite all of the sentences above, giving each a compound subject.
POP QUIZ ANSWERS Write the complete subject in each sentence, and circle the simple subject. 1. My brother’s football team 2. Pepperoni pizza 3. Dogs 4. The quick and timid ponies Now, rewrite all of the sentences above, giving each a compound subject. Volunteers?