1 Institute of Museum and Library Services Update Coalition for Networked Information Spring Task Force Meeting April 4-5, 2005
2 National Museum and Library Services Board Justice Sandra Day O'Connor Swears in New Members of the Board February 16, 2005
3 Project Updates University of Pittsburgh, Sara Fine Institute National Study of Users and Potential Users of Online Information University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Digital Collections and Content Indiana University/UIUC Competencies for teaching digital asset management
4 University of Pittsburgh Sara Fine Institute National Study of Users and Potential Users of Online Information
5 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign IMLS Digital Collections Registry Launched at WebWise
6 Indiana University/University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Librarians for the 21 st Century research-based, comprehensive master's-level and post-master's in library science (MLS) degree to educate librarians for work in digital library programs.
7 WebWise 2005 Washington, DC February 16-18, 2005
8 National Leadership Grants 2004 Awards - Libraries IntLib Project New Jersey Institute of Technology
9 National Leadership Grants 2004 Awards - Libraries The DLF Distributed Library: OAI for Digital Library Aggregation Digital Library Federation
10 Reading Bias/Writing Tolerance: Using History's Powerful Stories Missouri Historical Society National Leadership Grants 2004 Awards - Museums
11 NLG 2004 Awards – Museums (continued) Interpretive Technologies Project Red Butte Gardens and Arboretum
12 New National Leadership Grant Categories for 2005 for Libraries and Museums Advancing Learning Communities Building Digital Resources Research and Demonstration
13 National Leadership Grants for Libraries and Museums Funding for FY 2005― $12,301,000 for libraries; $7,539,000 for museums Requested for FY 2006— $14,000,000 for libraries; $9,458,000 for museums Deadline: February 1, 2005 Award Amount: $25,000 to $1,000,000 Award announcement – September 2005
14 Museum Programs National Leadership Grants for Museums Museums for America 21 st Century Museum Professionals Conservation Project Support Conservation Assessment Program Museum Assessment Program New in 2005 – Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services and African American History and Culture Museum Grants
15 Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services Funding: $843,000 for FY 2005 Requested: $850,000 for FY 2006 Deadline: May 15, 2005 Award Amount: $5,000 to $20,000 Match: None Grant Period: Up to 2 years
16 Office of Strategic Partnerships Established January 2003 Goals: Maintain and strengthen existing partnerships Work with staff and stakeholders to identify and forge new partnerships Educate existing and potential partners about important work of libraries and museums
17 IMLS/CPB Partnership for a Nation of Learners September 2004: Formal agreement between IMLS and CPB $3 million over 2 years Goal: support libraries, museums, and public broadcasters in leveraging their resources to fulfill learning needs of communities Components: grant program, collaboration curriculum, website, marketing & communications, and evaluation Awards announced in September 2005
18 Connecting Museums, Libraries, and K-12 Education Charting the Landscape/Mapping New Paths Workshop, August 2004 Workshop publication, follow-up activities, and future endeavors Math Science Initiative (MSI) ESTEME Week
19 International UNESCO World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Digital Cultural Content Forum National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan
Technology & Digitization Survey Key Findings: Preliminary Report
22 Responding groups: Survey margins of error GroupMargin of error Museums± 4.4 Public libraries± 6.3 Academic libraries± 11.6 Archives± 7.6 SLAAs± 6.4 Total± 3.1
23 Respondent annual budget range
24 Staff size
25 Key findings: Technology use 2001: Libraries’ technology use is pervasive, particularly the basic technologies that automate and support services to the public. 2004: Libraries expanded their use of more sophisticated technologies, such as broadband Internet access, computerized catalogs, LANs, and federated-searching.
26 Key findings: Technology use in smaller museums & public libraries 2001: Museums and public libraries demonstrate a marked gap between small and large institutions in technology use. 2004: The gaps between small and large museums and public libraries are still marked, but they have narrowed.
27 Key findings: Digitization activities 2001: Digitization activities are an emerging focus in museums and libraries, with substantial work being done by State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) 2004: Digitization activities increased in museums, academic libraries, and SLAAs. Archives are quite active. SLAAs also support cooperative and statewide activities.
28 Past & projected technology funds
29 Able to maintain current, add new technologies
30 Have sufficient, skilled staff to do technology activities Not enough staff70% Right amount of staff 22% More than enough staff<1% Other responses 3%
31 Number of digital images created and yet to be done
32 Top three digitization priorities Historical documents & archives 49% Photographs47% Images of items in collections 30%
33 Top three hindrances To technology use: Lack of funds 79% Lack of staff time 70% Lack of staff skills 56% To digitization activities: Lack of funds 71% Lack of staff time 66% Lack of staff skills & expertise39%
34 Using technology to serve the community To orient and instruct users about available services70% To provide access to the Internet 60% To provide access to computers 59% To present educational programs 51%
35 Usefulness of technology to the community 1.Makes programs and exhibits more interactive 2.Increases the number of people who participate in programs 3.Provides a richer educational experience
36 Technologies expect to add Web portal or gateway for services or collections 11% Wireless network, including WiFi 10% Software to manage public access to computers and printing 9%
37 Top three reasons to digitize Increase access to collections, materials, files54% Preserve important, valuable materials 46% Provide access to materials via Web 33%
38 Top three target audiences for digital image collections General public with Internet access 56% Researchers/scholars outside our institution 38% Our staff 38%
39 Digital image collections made available to the public All are available14% Some are available 36% None is available16% Don’t know/NA34%
40 How digital image collections are made available to the public On the Web 46% On site at our institution 31% Through a third party 6% Don’t know/Not applicable 39%
41 Next steps with the survey Survey report will be published this spring Four follow-on studies will be conducted on specific topics coming from the survey Plan to conduct the next survey in 2007