Fetal Development Jim Video CLICK HERE!!
Vocab Review Neonate Zygote Embryo Fetus
First Trimester Facts Ovum is about the size of a pencil dot on paper Conception occurs when sperm penetrates the ovum in the fallopian tube Zygote travels through fallopian tube toward the uterus, takes about 3 – 5 days.
First Trimester Growth fourth week heart video Fourth Week Video 4 weeks: Embryo is ¼ inch long Has a head, body and tail Eyes and ears can be discerned Heart pumps blood to body 5 weeks: - Nose can be seen 5 week unborn embryo
First Trimester Growth 6 weeks: Embryo is ½ inch in length Leg buds are present Increase brain development Gonads start to produce hormones
First Trimester Growth 7th Week: Embryo is about ¾ inches in length Can move it hands Fingers are defined Internal organs are visible Skull bones are growing at the crown
First Trimester Growth 8th Week: Almost 1 inch long Liver is very large Bones begin to form Testes and ovaries are distinguishable Now called a fetus
First Trimester Growth Tenth Week Video 1 ½ - 2 inches long Kidneys make urine Lower trunk muscle are developing
Second Trimester 12th Week: Head of fetus is about one third the size of length Ribs can be seen Soft hair begins to appear
Second Trimester 16th week: (4 months) 4 ½ inches long weights about 3 -4 ounces Face looks human Cerebrum lies over other brain parts Testicles of males are in position for descent Mother can feel movement Heart can be heard with instruments
Second Trimester 20 – 24 weeks (5-6 months) Fetus about 12 inches long Major systems develop Bones continue to form Fetus may move its thumb into mouth Eyes are still closed
Third Trimester brain growth video 28th week: (7 months) Fetus is about 14 inches long weights about 2.5 pounds Weight gain, increased length, maturation of organs 38 – 40 weeks: (8-9 months) - Full term
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3 Stages of Labor Stage 1: Dilation Cervix dilates to 10cm Contractions are regular Amniotic sac ruptures dilation generally lasts 8-24 hours
3 Stages of Labor Stage 2: expulsion Actual childbirth (parturition) Forceful uterine contractions and compression Fetus is expelled throughout the vagina
3 Stages of Labor Placental Within 10 -15 min placenta separates from uterine wall (called afterbirth) Contractions Blood vessels constrict to prevent hemorrhage Normal blood loss 350 ml