Pastor Brian Trivia
Which ‘experience’ has not happened to Brian? A)Being rescued by a lifeguard while swimming in 3 rd grade B) Missing 4 weeks of the 9 th grade because of mono C)A friend accidentally shooting a gun and missing Brian’s ear by inches D) Getting hit by a car on a bike while racing from a tornado Which ‘experience’ has not happened to Brian? A)Being rescued by a lifeguard while swimming in 3 rd grade B) Missing 4 weeks of the 9 th grade because of mono C)A friend accidentally shooting a gun and missing Brian’s ear by inches D) Getting hit by a car on a bike while racing from a tornado
Which ‘experience’ has not happened to Brian? A)Being rescued by a lifeguard while swimming in 3 rd grade B) Missing 4 weeks of the 9 th grade because of mono C)A friend accidentally shooting a gun and missing Brian’s ear by inches D) Getting hit by a car on a bike while racing from a tornado Which ‘experience’ has not happened to Brian? A)Being rescued by a lifeguard while swimming in 3 rd grade B) Missing 4 weeks of the 9 th grade because of mono C)A friend accidentally shooting a gun and missing Brian’s ear by inches D) Getting hit by a car on a bike while racing from a tornado
How did Brian spend Homecoming his Senior Year? A)He was at the dance because he was on the homecoming court B) He was at the dance because he had a date C) He was out of town because his tennis team was at regionals D) He was at a friend’s house playing Playstation How did Brian spend Homecoming his Senior Year? A)He was at the dance because he was on the homecoming court B) He was at the dance because he had a date C) He was out of town because his tennis team was at regionals D) He was at a friend’s house playing Playstation
How did Brian spend Homecoming his Senior Year? A)He was at the dance because he was on the homecoming court B) He was at the dance because he had a date C) He was out of town because his tennis team was at regionals D) He was at a friend’s house playing Playstation How did Brian spend Homecoming his Senior Year? A)He was at the dance because he was on the homecoming court B) He was at the dance because he had a date C) He was out of town because his tennis team was at regionals D) He was at a friend’s house playing Playstation
Brian’s first letter (the kind you put on a jacket) was in _________? A)Track and Field B) Tennis C) Academics D) Cross-Country Brian’s first letter (the kind you put on a jacket) was in _________? A)Track and Field B) Tennis C) Academics D) Cross-Country
Brian’s first letter (the kind you put on a jacket) was in what? A)Track and Field B) Tennis C)Academics D) Cross-Country Brian’s first letter (the kind you put on a jacket) was in what? A)Track and Field B) Tennis C)Academics D) Cross-Country
When did Brian meet his wife Tarina? A)Elementary School B) Middle School C)High School D) College When did Brian meet his wife Tarina? A)Elementary School B) Middle School C)High School D) College
When did Brian meet his wife Tarina? A)Elementary School B) Middle School C)High School D) College When did Brian meet his wife Tarina? A)Elementary School B) Middle School C)High School D) College
Which of the following did not happen to Brian while in high school? A)He was cut from the basketball team B)He lost a Student Council election C)He dropped out of band his sophomore year D) He totaled the family mini van Which of the following did not happen to Brian while in high school? A)He was cut from the basketball team B)He lost a Student Council election C)He dropped out of band his sophomore year D) He totaled the family mini van
Which of the following did not happen to Brian while in high school? A)He was cut from the basketball team B)He lost a Student Council election C)He dropped out of band his sophomore year D) He totaled the family mini van Which of the following did not happen to Brian while in high school? A)He was cut from the basketball team B)He lost a Student Council election C)He dropped out of band his sophomore year D) He totaled the family mini van
Tie-Breaker: Brian recently attended his 10-year high school reunion and won a prize- what prize did he win?
Answer: Having the Most Kids (Including Expecting)!
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength Deuteronomy 6:5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength Deuteronomy 6:5
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind Matthew 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind Matthew 22:37
Gauge 1:Physical (Strength) Gauge 2: Intellectual (Mind) Gauge 3:Relational (Heart) Gauge 4:Spiritual (Soul) Gauge 1:Physical (Strength) Gauge 2: Intellectual (Mind) Gauge 3:Relational (Heart) Gauge 4:Spiritual (Soul)
Do I regularly take time to exercise ? How tired am I? Am I getting enough sleep? How’s my food intake? Do I regularly consume more calories then I need? Am I overweight? Do I regularly take time to exercise ? How tired am I? Am I getting enough sleep? How’s my food intake? Do I regularly consume more calories then I need? Am I overweight?
What book or books are you currently reading? What’s one thing you’ve learned in the last week? Month? Year? Am I involved in conversations about new thoughts or ideas? What book or books are you currently reading? What’s one thing you’ve learned in the last week? Month? Year? Am I involved in conversations about new thoughts or ideas?
Do I have time for my friends? How much time each week do I spend just at working on my marriage, my parenting, my friendships, etc? Who are your friends? Who can you be real with? Have you lost contact with anyone that you regret? Do I have time for my friends? How much time each week do I spend just at working on my marriage, my parenting, my friendships, etc? Who are your friends? Who can you be real with? Have you lost contact with anyone that you regret?
Do you have time to follow Jesus? Is this following Jesus thing really yours or just your obedience to your family or tradition? Is this Jesus thing just something you just put on this morning or does it affect your Monday-Friday life as well? Do you base your spiritual life on the type of activity you’re in rather then the type of person you are becoming? Do you have time to follow Jesus? Is this following Jesus thing really yours or just your obedience to your family or tradition? Is this Jesus thing just something you just put on this morning or does it affect your Monday-Friday life as well? Do you base your spiritual life on the type of activity you’re in rather then the type of person you are becoming?