Allen Daniel
Problem Solving Method (chip envelope) What I learned from this project is that things need a lot of planning before you are finished with them. This is because if you take your time at these things, then you will probably accomplish it easier. When I did my envelope I didn’t do as much planning as I probably should have.
What was challenging about this project? What was challenging about this project was that I had never done anything like this before, so I didn’t know what to expect.
How can you use what you learned from this project in the future? I think that I can use this in the future because I’m not sure what I want to do when I get older, so it may help me decide what I might want to do.
How did you use math, science, english, and history in that project? A way that I used math was measuring the chip to find the diameter of the chip to find out how big the protector needed to be.
What is something about technology that you’ve learned this semester that you didn’t know before? Something that I learned that I didn’t know was that you must do a lot of planning before you do something.