Industrial Pollution. The Indian Health Service Solves a Mystery Opening Case  Five cases of malignant mesothelioma, virtually always caused by exposure.


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Presentation transcript:

Industrial Pollution

The Indian Health Service Solves a Mystery Opening Case  Five cases of malignant mesothelioma, virtually always caused by exposure to asbestos, in a pueblo of 2,000 Indians puzzled health officials.  It was discovered that workers from a nearby plant discarded old asbestos insulation which was found by members of the tribe and brought back to the pueblo and put to many uses. The story of what happened to the Indians is analogous to what has happened to large populations in industrial societies. In both cases, it was only after substantial exposures had occurred and sickness began to appear that government agencies mobilized to protect public health. 13-3

Human Health Percent of DALYs Environmental Health RiskLess Developed Countries Developed Countries Water supply and sanitation 7%1% Indoor air pollution40 Urban air pollution21 Agricultural chemicals and industrial waste 12.5 All pollution-related causes Health Risks Posed by Major Sources of Environmental Pollution 13-5

Edward Burtynsky: TED Prize wish: Share the story of Earth's manufactured landscapes 2005 TED Prize winner Edward Burtynsky has made it his life's work to document humanity's impact on the planet.