Preparation of Institutional and Human Resources Directory and Assessment of Capacity of Regional Secretariat and National Nodes Simba Sibanda Troparg Consultancy Services
Background FANRPAN is operating in 12 SADC countries Network operates in each country through an intersectoral platform designated as a country node Members of the node comprise the following stakeholders: –government ministries responsible for FANR; –policy research organizations such as relevant university departments; –private sector national umbrella organisations which deal with FANR; –national farmers’ organizations; and –civil society
Node Hosting Institution The country node is served by a node hosting institution which provides secretariat and coordination services Node hosting institution supported by node steering committee
Criteria for Appointment of Node Hosting Institution Ability to engage with wide range of stakeholders, including good relations with government Ability to convene high level policy engagements with all key stakeholders Staff and facilities to maintain good communications with stakeholders and the rest of FANRPAN Capacity to secure and effectively manage grants and contracts on behalf of FANRPAN
Capacity Strengthening Projects FANRPAN has had funding from USAID, and lately, DFID and FARA, to strengthen capacity at both the Regional Secretariat and the 12 country nodes It was necessary to determine the existing capacity of the nodes and progress made in strengthening the regional secretariat Information would be used to monitor progress in capacity building
Why Capacity Strengthening? Need to increase policy dialogue and engagement with policy makers Necessary to review the node hosting arrangements through a process of stakeholder consultations Result in either choice of new institution or endorsement of old one, followed by capacity assessment of institution
Areas of Capacity Assessment Supply of skills in policy research and analysis within the region Organizational development capacity of node hosting institutions Progress in strengthening regional secretariat
Activities Prepare directory of organizations and professionals with strong involvement and capacities in FANR policy research, analysis advice and dialogue Identify gaps in skills within the nodes and region Conduct a Partner Institution Viability Assessment (PIVA) for node hosting institutions and regional secretariat Convene national stakeholder workshops to share the results
Methodology In each country, assessment conducted by local consultant Database of organizations and professionals: –Desk review –Print media advertisement – interviews –Face-to-face interviews –Use of existing in-country frameworks and structures Stakeholder consultations to identify new/endorse existing node hosting institutions Assessment of capacity of node hosting institutions and regional secretariat using the Partner Institutional Viability Assessment (PIVA) tool
What is PIVA? PIVA is: –A management tool –Has numerical scale and matrix-method design –Used to identify changes and progress in the organizational development capacity of organizations
Why PIVA? PIVA provides a framework for detailed organizational analysis Analysis enables organizations to identify long-term and leadership oriented strategies to address shortcomings and achieve set goals
Areas of Assessment Governance and Leadership Operations and Management Systems Human Resource Development Financial Management systems Programmes and Service Delivery External Relations and Advocacy
PIVA Assessment 116 competency areas assessed Scores range: 1-nascent to 4-viable Each competency area part of the six broad areas Maximum score 460 Example of PIVA tool in use: see Regional Office PIVAExample
Outputs from Regional and Node Assessment Organizational and human resource report for each country Database of organizations and individuals with strong capacities in agricultural, food security and natural resources policy research, analysis, advice and dialogue facilitation Recommendations and appointment/endorsement of hosting institution for each country An assessment of the OD capacity of each node hosting institution and the regional secretariat Information to use in designing appropriate capacity building programs for nodes and regional secretariat
Timeframe Baseline Sept 2005 Target by Sept 2007 Target by Sept 2009 Governance & Leadership3054 (52)68 Operations and Management Systems5593 (72)110 Human Resources Development2851 (34)60 Financial Management Systems3252 (50)68 Programs and Service Delivery (24)40 External Relations and Advocacy4786 (57)114 Total System Points (289)460 FARNPAN BASELINE 2005 & TARGETS (ACTUAL)- 2007, 2010 Actual scores for 2007 in brackets
Capacity Strengthening Issues at Regional Office Induction of new board members and use of board procedures manual MIS and ICT equipment and systems Competitiveness of salaries Expertise in policy analysis and advocacy Long-term core funding M&E system and Impact assessment MOU with SADC Private sector engagement
Capacity Strengthening Issues at Node Hosting Institutions Governance and leadership: –Appointment and/or strengthening of boards –Development and use of board procedures Operations and Management Systems –ICT equipment, software, procedures manual and MIS Human Resources Development –Competitiveness of salaries –Staff development programmes
Capacity Strengthening Issues at Node Hosting Institutions (2) Financial Management Systems –Resource mobilisation strategies –Diversify funding sources –Effective use of partnerships –Cost recovery mechanisms Programmes and Service Delivery –M&E Systems and Impact Assessment External Relations and Advocacy –Public relations and communication strategy: increase visibility –Formal links with technical partners, private and civil sector and media houses