Objectives I will learn how to decipher similarities and differences between two geographical places represented in literature. (10.3) I will learn how to plan and organize ideas for writing based on a novel. (10.7) I will learn how to participate in the outline of a summary through a group activity. (10.1)
Setting Salinas River South of Soledad California Valley
California vs. Saluda, Virginia SimilarDifferent
Describe George Milton
Who is George Milton? George is a small man, with a dark face and sharp features. Smart and quick, he often gets Lennie out of trouble. He and Lennie travel together, and George takes care of him.
Lennie Small
Who is Lennie Small? George's companion. Lennie is a big man with great strength; his body and features are round and undefined. He is mildly retarded, and his speech is slow and simple. He loves soft things, and this desire often gets him in trouble.
What are some actions of Lennie that lead us to believe he is mentally retarded? Share with a neighbor
What is the importance of the mouse? Share with a partner…
Lennie isn’t trying to kill the mouse on purpose, but he does since he loves soft things. It is an accident that Lennie cannot quite understand.
Why does Lennie want rabbits? Write it down Share with a partner
What causes George Guilt? Write it down Share with a partner Share with another pair of people Share with class
Chapter 1 Quiz Take out a clean sheet of paper and something to write with. Clear desk of all notes. You may use the text, paper, and a writing utensil, nothing else.
Question 1 Describe the setting of the book…
Question 2 Describe Lennie or George and explain how they compliment each other as characters.
Question 3 Copy a sentence, quote, or paragraph that leads the reader to believe that Lennie is mentally retarded.
Question 4 What happens to the mice in this story? Why does Lennie want rabbits?
Question 5 What causes George guilt? Is his guilt justified? Use a sentence, quote, or paragraph from the text to support your opinion.