Epilepsy Madyson Longtin 3/6/13 Psych honoros Period 3
Scientific/common name The scientific name is epilepsy The common name most people call it is seizure disorder
Cause of epilepsy There are limits in the brain that limit the spread of electrical activity. During a seizure the limit system breaks down and abnormal electrical discharges occur and can spread through out cells in your brain. The linkage of the electrical discharges create a storm of electrical activity in the brain, called a seizure. If you have multiple seizures over a long period of time then you most likely have epilepsy. It is still unknown to half of the people with epilepsy today for why they have seizures. Numerous reasons can make you have seizures like head injuries, infections in your brain, brain tumors, some people are just born with epilepsy.
How epilepsy is transmitted Epilepsy is not a virus or infection so it can not be transmitted from one person to another But it can be developed from diseases that can be transmitted such as Aids and meningitis
Target population for epilepsy There is not a target population for people with epilepsy, anybody can be born with it or develop it. Although kids tend to show it more often. If the doctors can see that you have it when you’re younger then you have a better chance of finding a way to end the seizures because child brains can adapt easier than an adults ones.
How epilepsy affects your CNS The central nervous system is what causes epilepsy when it misfires electrical signals to the brain. Epilepsy can cause infectious to occur in the central nervous system While you’re having a seizure it means your central nervous system is malfunctioning for a period of time
Symptoms of epilepsy Seizures are the only visible symptom of epilepsy. There are different kinds of seizures, and symptoms of each type can affect people differently. Seizures typically last from a few seconds to a few minutes. You may be alert during the seizure or lose consciousness. You may not remember what happened during the seizure or may not even realize you had a seizure. Seizures that make you fall to the ground or make the muscles stiffen or jerk out of control are easy to recognize. But many seizures do not involve these reactions and may be harder to notice. Some seizures make you stare into space for a few seconds. Others may consist only of a few muscle twitches, a turn of the head, or a strange smell or visual disturbance that only you sense.
Prognosis for epilepsy It’s different for every person but you can usually live a normal life. I have epilepsy and I just take an anti-epileptic pill once a day. The pill has kept me seizure free for almost ten years now. Some people with more severe epilepsy than me can have seizures frequently so it’s hard for them to live alone, get a job, and they can’t even have a license. But it’s very rare that people have epilepsy to that extent.
Treatments for epilepsy The majority of epileptic seizures are controlled by medication, particularly anticonvulsant drugs. The type of treatment prescribed will depend on several factors, including the frequency and severity of the seizures and the person's age, overall health, and medical history. An accurate diagnosis of the type of epilepsy is also critical to choosing the best treatment. You can also get a split brain operation which cuts corpus callosum disconnecting the right brain from the left but this is only for severe cases of epilepsy because there are a lot of side effects and issues
Famous person with epilepsy Vincent van Gogh - (1853 - 1890) Vincent Van Gogh was a passionate artist who strongly believed that all expressions should be expressed through colors. He was heard saying that all he ever wanted to do with his life was paint all that came to his mind. He also said that when he would be deceased he would look back at his life and cry for the paintings that he could have created. Being the loving and creative man that he was his epilepsy had once caused him to run after his friends with an open razor, he ended up cutting his own ear lobe off. He eventually shot himself "For the good of all" leaving behind all the colorful paintings he had made.
Organizations specialized in epilepsy Epilepsy foundation- The Epilepsy Foundation, a national nonprofit with affiliated organizations throughout the United States, has led the fight against epilepsy since 1968. The Foundation's mission is to stop seizures, find cures and overcome the challenges created by epilepsy. Epilepsy therapy project- The Epilepsy Therapy Project was founded in 2002 by a group of parents, distinguished physicians, and researchers to support the commercialization of new therapies through direct grants and investments in promising academic and commercial projects.
Credible sources Broadway, T., & Freeman, M. (1998, 1). Epilepsy foundation . Retrieved March 3, 2013, from http://Epilepsyfoundation.org Arrants, L. (2001 , 15). National institution of neurological disorders and strokes . Retrieved March 3, 2013, from Ninds.nih.gov