WHAT IS ASSESSMENT ? Assessment is a planned process of identifying (selecting learner response items) gathering (learner responses) interpreting (marking learner responses) information about the knowledge and skills demonstrated by learners.
ASSESSMENT could be : INFORMAL no need to be recorded by teacher, could be marked by learner or peer, usually used to develop skills, demonstrate knowledge and skills and for learners to practice, not used for promotion purposes(solely developmental purpose) FORMAL marked and recorded by teacher, 7 tasks in Programme of Assessment, used for promotion purposes (mainly promotion purpose)
ASSESSMENT Why? What? Who? How? When? Where?
Assessment WHY? PURPOSE Developmental: to assist learner to learn (i.e. apply knowledge, etc) Promotion: to make a summative judgement of the learner’s ability (e.g. use the marks for any of the tasks in the programme of assessment)
Assessment WHO Teacher (formal assessment task e.g. project, controlled test) Learner (informal assessment task e.g. homework, classwork) Peer (informal assessment task e.g. homework) SMT (e.g. controlled/standardised test) External (e.g. controlled test set by district, etc)
Assessment WHAT What content, skills, values E.g. ability to collect data, make observations, one-step problem-solving, multi-step problem solving, interpreting and drawing graphs, recalling laws and definitions, converting units, etc Use taxonomy
Assessment HOW FORMAL TASK: project, investigation, assignment, controlled test, June examination, Final examination INFORMAL TASK: homework, classwork, class test
Assessment HOW FORMAL TASK: project, investigation, assignment, controlled test, June examination, Final examination INFORMAL TASK: homework, classwork, class test
Assessment When Last 15 minutes of a period (e.g. classwork) First 5 minutes of a lesson (e.g. oral Q & A) End of term, week, year (e.g. control test, june exam, class test, final exam, project, etc) End of unit of work, concept, section (e.g. class test, homework) Weekly (e.g. assignment) Daily (homework)
Assessment Where Classroom Home
Way forward …. Kharwastan Secondary Policy Subject Assessment Policy Internal Moderation by HOD term-wise or peer. Recording and reporting on the Moderation Process both ‘pre’ and ‘post’ “Recording form “
Thank You . Have a Good Year .