Kelly Jusits Joanne Funkhouser Amelie Poulin Period 3
* “God, you’re a lot of trouble,” said George. “I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl.” Analysis * Loneliness is a huge theme of the book, and many of the characters are looking for company. Male characters dominate because none of them have womanly companionship excluding Curley and that is part of their loneliness.
* “I seen her give Slim the eye, Curley never seen it, I seen her give Sandy the Eye” analysis * This quote about Curley’s wife demonstrates how she is acting promiscuous towards a lot of the men on the ranch her husband doesn’t even know which suggests she likes to flirt with everyone.
* "Seems like Curley is cockier'n ever since he got married.“ George grunted. "Maybe he's showin' off for his wife." analysis * Even though Curley is married, he still continues to show off. Throughout the book, he is very cocky and aims to impress the women, especially his wife. He showed her off and basically thought of her as property.