30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, Months Meeting - Madrid, February 6 th, 2014 AGREEMENT NUMBER: ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Agenda
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, nd Progress Report The 2 nd progress report was delivered as scheduled in the Annex I (End of November 2013).
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Work programme: schedule Final Report (technical and financial) to be delivered to EACI within the end of August
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Layman’s report
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 3.2 Validation of vertical solution AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 3.4 Validation of horizontal solution AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 4.2 LCA – phase III AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 5.2 Exploitation Activities AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Exploitation activities -October 2013: promotion during the ISWA World Congress in Wien -October 2013: TRE organised a stand in SAIE – International Building Innovation Exhibition –Bologna-Italy. About 50 persons asked for Ecoplasbrick information and brochures
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Exploitation activities -In October 2013 CETMA was present at MADE EXPO in Milan -This week CETMA is promoting Ecoplasbrick at Compotec 2014
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Exploitation activities -ECOPLASBRICK is now present on MATREC database
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Exploitation activities -ECOPLASBRICK is now on sale on project’s website Finally, the business plan is ready and available (under request) to potential investors and/or other interested parties and can be used as mean of further exploitation.
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Contacted companies CETMA had face to face meetings with ICAM, PIMAR and LONGINOTTI. ICAM is evaluating the possibility to use ECOPLASBRICK as cladding of a multimedia kiosk, whereas PIMAR is considering our panels as outdoor table’s surfaces. LONGINOTTI is searching new technologies in the field of tiles. TRE is in contact with STIFERITE and KNAUF for promoting ECOPLASBRICK for internal partition walls. Motulab, thanks to its acquaintances in the ITC sector is trying to sponsor ECOPLASBRICK as panels for shelters construction.
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Cooming soon
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 5.3 Business plan – Final AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Financial Plan Production will start with 6,000m2 At year 5 it is estimated to get a production capacity of around 35,000m2 Projected Cash Flow
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Financial Plan Sales growth is expected to be aggressive from 6,000 m2 of year 1 to 31,000 at year 5. In the last 3 years a 10% unsold goods is foreseen
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Financial Plan Break-even point BEP= TFC/(P-V)
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Worst scenario In the worst scenario the forecasted production increase at year 3 (21m2 vs. 16 m2 per worker per day) will not reached. Best scenarioWorst scenario Net profit/sales7.8%3.7%
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Risk analysis Risk Analysis Re medial Actions There may not be a market for the Company’s products First year only 6,000 m2 will be produced in order to verify the market response to the innovative panel. Reluctance of the building market towards recycled plastic based product Other markets will be explored thanks to the wide industry relationship of the partners of ECOPLASBRICK project (furniture, shelters). The major suppliers of mixed plastic run into financial difficulties A constant research for alternative suppliers and alternative recycled plastic material will be carried out. ECOPLASBRICK’s market demand will overcome MOTULAB production capacity The Company will identify potential partners able to produce the panel under license agreements.
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Monitoring
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 6.6: Web portal updating New Deliverables loading New pictures Form to purchase the panels Business plan available
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 6.6: Web portal statistics displays 7102 visits from 1/1/2012 to 31/12/2013
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 6.6: Web portal statistics World Europe
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Task 6.7,6.8,6.9 Results on presentation of the project, fairs, promotion of contacts AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/ EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Planning of Next Activities TaskResponsibleResultsDeadline Validation and demonstrators finalization TRE/Acciona Report+ Full scale demonstrators finalization June Technical -commercial schedules ACCIONASchedulesJune EPD documentationTREReportJune Final Expolitation planCETMAExploitation PlanJune Final Business Plan*CETMABusiness planJune Dissemination activitiesACA Participation to events, promotion of contacts June 2014 * The BP will not be updated
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Planning of Next Activities Next Panels to be produced by Motulab 1)For CETMA n. 10 panels 200*200*20core mm double face to be shipped to potential investors and customers (within end of February) 2)For ACA n. 10 panels 200*200*20core mm double face to be shipped to potential investors and customers (within end of February) 3)For Acciona? 4)For TRE?
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Other Fire tests? Other validation tests? Other demonstrators? Information sharing / Decision making
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Financial aspects CETMA foresees staff final cost lower than the envisaged in ANNNEX II Someone needs additional budget?
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Financial aspects Within the end of April 2014 please send an estimation as close as possible to your actual final cost to: Motulab and CETMA must present an AUDIT CERTIFICATE
30 Months Meeting – Madrid, February 6th, 2014 Planning of Next Activities Final Meeting When: June 19th, 2014 Where: Venice (Isola Certosa – Biennale di Architettura)