George Mason Air Flight Reservation Service November 29, 2010 Jean Pierre Antonio Goncalves Alex Nazari Tom Essig Jessica Urquiola
Objective Design a distributed system to utilize a java-generated web service for providing flight availability information through a logic (processing) tier.
Design Considerations for Software Architecture Three-tier architecture ◦ Presentation tier Will follow the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern provided by the Spring MVC Will include JavaServer Pages, which contain the User/Interface components
Design Considerations for Software Architecture Three-tier architecture ◦ Logic tier Internal service exposed by George Mason Air Reservation to its client. Spring-Core bean container is used to initialize the beans, manage all transactions exposed by the service, and to persist the entity beans. Flight availability web service, which provides data of current flight information. This web service interacts with our internal George Mason Air Reservation service.
Design Considerations for Software Architecture Three-tier architecture ◦ Data Tier Hibernate 3 is an object-relational mapping utilized to map objects to tables using the HyperSQL database
Overall Design Considerations for Software Architecture Presentation Tier Logic Tier Data Tier Browser JSP/ Spring MVC Internet HTM L Spring Core Servlet Hibernate/ JPA Controls page flows Populate and secure model HSQL JDBC Sent to servlet every time Session Bean Knows what model to access
Entity-Relationship Diagram
Design Considerations for System Architecture Service Requestor Client George Mason Air Reservation Flight Service Flight Availability Web Service Service Service Description Interact SOAP Envelope Server
Demonstration air/bookFlight/bookFlight Please note: localhost is replaced by the IP address of the server
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