Stages of Change Model
Stage 1. Precontemplation Not considering behavioural change No intention of being more active within the next 6 months. Not aware their lack of activity is a problem. Most difficult group Only start to think about change due to constant pressure or after a significant health event eg. heart attack. Stage 1
Stages of Change Model Stage 2. Contemplation Acknowledge that they need to become more active. Weighing up the pros and cons of being more active. Intention of becoming more active within the next 6 months. Some individuals remain in this stage for long periods. Stage 2
Stages of Change Model Stage 3. Preparation Seriously considering becoming more active May exercise once or twice a week or several times a month. May be doing physical activity but are not meeting the physical activity guidelines. Stage 3
Stages of Change Model Stage 4. Action Requires the largest effort, time and energy. Attempting to follow National Physical Activity Guidelines. Relapse is common, however if an individual maintains the active stage for six months they move into the maintenance stage. Stage 4
Stages of Change Model Relapse Potential of relapse at any stage between precontemplation and termination. Individuals who have reached maintenance stage are more likely to only relapse to Stage 3. Individuals who have never reached Stage 5 can relapse to Stage 1. Relapse is not failure and occurs most commonly between Stages 2 and 4.
Strategies for promoting PA
Readiness to change – (motivational readiness) VCE Physical Education - Unit 3 Are you accumulating at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most (five+) days of the week? NoYes Are you accumulating at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity at least one day per week? Have you been doing this on a regular basis for the last six months? Do you intend to increase your physical activity? If you’re doing physical activity irregularly, you’re in the preparation stage. If you’re not even thinking about it, you are in the precontemplation stage. If you're giving it a thought now and then but not doing it, you are in the contemplation stage. If you have been doing this consistently but for fewer than six months, you are in the action stage. If you’re maintained the new habit for six months of more you are in the maintenance stage. No Yes