C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT D ATA C OLLECTION F ORM VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System.


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Presentation transcript:

C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT D ATA C OLLECTION F ORM VAdata: Virginia’s Sexual and Domestic Violence Data Collection System

W HAT IS C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT Community engagement activities include: public awareness, organizational development or capacity building, development of knowledge, skills, and abilities or training, and community collaborations.

T HE C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT F ORM IS DIVIDED INTO 4 SECTIONS : Information about Event/Activity Information about Participants Resources Distributed and Media Coverage Evaluation/Outcomes/Outputs Services that are provided through VSTOP of Victim Funds may also include VSTOP or VFUND supplements

I NFORMATION A BOUT E VENT /A CTIVITY Data required in order to submit form: Date of Event Staff Name Locality Primary Purpose of Activity Total Number of Participants (on the 2 nd page) There are A LOT of data on this form, but this is all that is required!

I NFORMATION A BOUT E VENT /A CTIVITY Info about data in this section: Funding Source is OPTIONAL. If it is selected, then you will be able to generate a report based only on the activities funded by a particular source. NOTE: you will still be able to generate a report about ALL of your activities! “Other Funding-1” and “Other Funding -2” can be used by agencies to track up to two additional funding sources that are relevant to that local agency (for example, a local community grant). If VSTOP or Victim Fund is selected as a funding source, a VSTOP or Victim Fund supplement will be provided so you can collect more detailed data on training activities and generate a report for VSTOP and Victim Fund Training Activities (see slide 10 & 11) Primary Purpose – you will need to select ONE and only ONE – choose the one that best fits the activity

I NFORMATION A BOUT E VENT /A CTIVITY Type of Activity – you can choose as many as apply. Note: the activity chosen will drive the section in the report in which the data will be included Topic or Focus – select all that apply Did the activity focus on improving services or prevention activities for underserved populations? – please select YES if appropriate, and identify the population(s)

I NFORMATION A BOUT P ARTICIPANTS In this section, Total Number of Participants is the most significant data element. We encourage you to include this info as often as possible. Gender/Race/Ethnicity/Setting – will be most significant when the activity is related to Presentations/Educational Programs. Profession/Role of Participants – will be most significant when the activity is related to Professional Training.

M ATERIALS D ISTRIBUTED AND M EDIA C OVERAGE Please include the total number of resources distributed. In the Breakdown section, you can list the same resources more than once if they are described in multiple categories. For example, you might have a brochure about Sexual Violence that is for Children and is written in Spanish.

M ATERIALS D ISTRIBUTED AND M EDIA C OVERAGE The Media Coverage section covers Radio, TV, print, and Social Media (facebook, twitter, blogs, etc).

E VALUATION /O UTCOMES /O UTPUTS The Training and Presentation/Education Outcomes are included as options for you. We hope that SDVAs across VA will begin to use these outcomes so that we can provide a statewide picture. Please note that with the Community Collaboration Outcomes, we offer you the opportunity to us any new policies/protocols/resources that you have developed so that we can include them in our library. This is, of course, OPTIONAL.

C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT F ORM VSTOP & V ICTIM F UND S UPPLEMENTS VSTOP and Victim Fund grantees are required to report detailed information about the people trained and the content of the training. If a training activity is funded by VSTOP and/or Victim Fund, agencies can complete the appropriate supplement to record data for their report(s). For example, if your VSTOP grant supports the training activity, you would complete the VSTOP supplement. **If you do not receive VSTOP or Victim Fund grants for training activities, you can ignore these supplements**

R EPORTS Data from the Community Engagement Report are compiled for you in the Community Engagement Report. Community Engagement data are also included in your VDSS Domestic Violence Program Report and other funder reports as requested by funders. Any VSTOP and/or Victim Fund training activities recorded on the Community Engagement Form will be compiled and included in your VSTOP and Victim Fund VAdata reports. You will also be able to compile a report based on funding source.

C OMMUNITY E NGAGEMENT R EPORT This report includes several sections: Summary (including a summary of activities by locality) Educational Programs Delivered (including info on participants by locality and summary of content) Professional Training Delivered (including breakdown by profession and content) Resources Distributed and Media Coverage Focus of Activities and a table of specific activities This report also includes lots of colorful graphs and charts!

H ELP O PTIONS You may note this symbol by several fields on the form: Click on the symbol to receive information about the field.

HELP! VA DATA ’ S NOT WORKING If you think something is wrong with VAdata, please always call us! We don’t use VAdata every day (like you do), so sometimes the only way we know that something is broken is when you tell us. We also like to talk with you by phone when you have questions, because we usually want a whole lot of information that you might not know we need.

H OW DO I GET HELP ? Please contact your assigned SDVA If they are unable to respond to your immediate concern, they will contact the VAdata staff for support.

R EALLY, IT ’ S OK TO ASK The VAdata staff urge you to contact us whenever you have a question or a concern about VAdata. We have a saying at the Action Alliance, “there are no stupid VAdata questions.”

C OMMENTS AND S UGGESTIONS This is a great place to make a suggestion or request support that does not need immediate attention. If you need immediate attention, please give us a call. Often we will need additional information from you, so a call is usually more expedient than an .