While I have been on this photography course I have learnt new techniques and how to use digital camera on manually and load a 35mm film, 4x5 cameras, and I also know how to process both colour, black and white film. I have also learnt how to create paper and digital negatives, toner and cyanotype from a digital negative. I have learnt how to edit images with photoshop without changing the image completely different to its original, and clean the background of a photograph if it has bit of the image that makes it look untidy. I have also learnt about depth of field, studio lighting. This course as also helped me with my reflection and evaluation about my images instead of just saying “I like it” I can going in a bit more detail on what works in the photograph and what doesn’t and how I could make it better or what I would of done differently if I needed to reshoot.
My theme for my FMP is space. I will be using the camera-less photography technique, by using the developer and fixer to create the different scapes. I was also going to try and create my own landscapes out of the images that I create using that technique by using card, I was also going to experiment by scanning some of the landscape ones on to the computer and edit them slightly in photoshop by changing their colours to see what I can create. I will be researching about camera-less photography, camera- less photographers like Susan Derges, Adam Fuss, Garry Fabian Miller and their techniques.
Camera-less photographers Susan Derges Adam Fuss Garry Fabian Miller Pierre Cordier Floris Neususs Camera-less photography Techniques
Light sensitive paper Developer Fixer Card Computer Scanner I will be using light-sensitive paper, developer and fixer to help create the images, card to create landscapes with the images I have created, I am thinking of scanning some of the images on to the computer so I can edit the colours slightly.
Susan Derges’s photograms of water, by doing this she used the landscape at night as the darkroom, by submerging large sheets of photographic paper in to rivers and using the moon and a hand held torch to create the exposure. I like these images because they are nature images and natural.
He studied paintings and photography at Werkkunstschule in Wuppertal. Floris uses big pieces of light sensitive paper big enough to put humans on to get an human figure.
He uses the early photographic techniques such as photograms, to create images that explore the mystery. Photographic techniques to capture a broad set of images, Fuss’s images have used babies, water droplets, christening dresses, moving light, snakes, sunflowers, rabbit entrails and human skulls. Fuss is best known for his images of babies an their backs in shallow bath of water with ripples and droplets of water capturing the youngsters motion. Born in 1961
Pierre was well known for his chemigrams which is where he mixes physics of painting with (varnish, oil, wax, glue, egg and syrup) photosensitive emulsion developer and fixer, without the use of a camera or an enlarger. Born in 1933
Garry works in the darkroom using light shining though coloured glass vessels and cut paper shapes to create forms that record directly onto photographic paper. I like the bright colours and the bold shapes in these images, it make the images look simple.
I will reflect regularly, after every processed image so I do not forget how long I exposed the image to the light, and also the techniques I used to create the image, and also what I like and dislike about the image to help me improve the image, in my book and, or on my blog. I will link my research to my own work. My weaknesses of evaluation is describing how to do better with the images, I am ok at describing what I like about the images, but not in so much detail.
Web links to the photographers images Web links to the space research Magic-of-a-Photogram Magic-of-a-Photogram Web links to the space images
WeekDate Week Beginning Activity / What you are intending to do - including independent study Resources / What you will need to do it - including access to workshops 1 & 219/01/2015 Research, plan, Internet, Books, Magazines Word Press, Power Point 3 & 42/02/2015 Start creating space images, evaluation & reflecting, Tutorial Darkroom, Book, Word Press 516/02/2015 Create space images & turn them into landscapes, scan, reflecting & evaluation Darkroom, Computer, Photoshop, Card, Word Press 6 & 7 23/02/2015Take photographs, create digital negatives, cyanotypes, reflecting & evaluation, Tutorial Computer, Camera, Darkroom, processing room, Book, Word Press 89/03/2015 Take photographs, create digital negatives, cyanotypes, reflecting & evaluation Computer, Camera, Darkroom, processing room, Book, Word Press 923/03/2015 Reshoot, create digital negatives, cyanotypes, reflecting & evaluation, Tutorial Computer, Camera, Darkroom, processing room, Book, Word Press 10 & 116/04/2015Liquid motion, Reflecting & Evaluation 12 & 1320/04/2015Liquid motion, Reflecting & Evaluation, Tutorial 14 & 154/05/2015 Liquid motion, Reflecting & Evaluation, Tutorial Final Reflecting & Evaluation. Check that everything is in my work book Workbook hand in date: Tuesday 19 th May 2015