10/10/2011 United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre PARCC West Africa Protected Areas Resilient to Climate Change in West Africa Project Overview
2 Protected Areas PAs: major tool in conserving species and ecosystems West Africa region: 6.3% of land area protected Rich biological heritage (diversity, endemism) Ecosystem services In some countries: data are in need of verification
3 Expected impacts: Modification of precipitation Change in temperature Sea level rise In turn, this will affect: Species and habitat distribution Ecosystem composition Human population distributions As a consequence, PAs and their ecosystem services are under threat Climate Change
Climate change impacts on biodiversity Latitude Country Y Country X Original distribution Depth Climate-shifted distribution Local extinction Migration/ Invasion Adapted from Cheung, 2009 Protected Area
5 The aim: “Build capacity in the region to better integrate the likely effect of climate change on protected areas, and develop new management approaches” Characteristics: a regional approach; 5 countries; 5 years ( ); $15.6m ($3.5m GEF and $12.1m of co-financing) Expected outcomes: (1) Tools for assessing vulnerability of Protected Areas to climate change (2) Strategies to strengthen resilience of PAs to CC impacts (3) Capacity building for using these tools and strategies The PARCC project
Project Components and Timeline 7 C 1 Vulnerability assessments and risk reduction strategies C 2 Ecological gap analysis C 3 Policy support and implementation, pilot projects and training C4 Knowledge management, communication and M&E
8 C1Vulnerability assessments and risk reduction strategies Data review (Done) National data collection (Now!) Climate change modeling Vulnerability assessments of species, PAs, and also socio-economic vulnerability
9 C2Ecological gap analysis and spatial planning Effect of CC on communities and PAs PA coverage and connectivity for regionally important areas Update the status of globally threatened species Map legal and policy frameworks Review resource management practices
10 C3Policy support, Pilot projects and training Training: regional and national workshops Pilot corridor management plans Support for policy implementation Long term monitoring system as part of PA management
11 C4Knowledge management, communication and M&E Development of a communication strategy for an efficient project implementation (Done) Knowledge management: website and data portal Regional framework for long term monitoring of the effects of CC on Pas CC impact monitoring tool for individual PAs
12 Vulnerability of PA network to climate change in the West Africa region A variety of approaches: descriptive methods, scenarios, qualitative / quantitative / spatial assessments, syndrome analyses, indicators or indices, narrative models or based on simulations / scenarios, cross-disciplinary approaches Proposed framework : Integrate information thanks to indicators Visualize the data through spatial mapping Include socio-economic factors A participatory approach with the contribution of national experts Rapid analysis of vulnerability assessment tools and proposed framework
Organisational Chart 13 UNEP DEPI / GEF UNEP WCMC PMU Project Management Unit IUCN PAPACO RMU Regional Management Unit TOGO NLO National Liaison Officer MALI NLO National Liaison Officer l GAMBIA NLO National Liaison Officer CHAD NLO National Liaison Officer S. LEONE NLO National Liaison Officer PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE (PSC) Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
Technical Advisory Group 14 Project Management Unit (PMU) UNEP DEPI / GEF TAG Chair Scientific Advisors Systematic Conservation Planning DICE National consultant Climate Change Modelling Hadley Centre National consultant Vulnerability Assessmemt IUCN SP Birdlife & Durham University National consultant Regional Management Unit (RMU) Transboundary Protected Areas ONGs National consultant
Objectives of the national inception meeting 15 Data Collection: Protected Areas Climate Species Other GIS data Identification of missing data Design of a national action plan for data collection
16 A World Where Biodiversity Counts