RL7: Impacts of Global Change on Ecosystems and the services they provide WP 7.2 Climate change impacts on forests, agriculture, food products and livestock production Responsible: Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, CNR-IBAF, Italy Giorgio Matteucci, CNR-IBAF&ISAFOM, Italy
WP 7.2: General and Specific Objectives General Objective: To assess the impacts of climate change on land-based production such those of the forest, agriculture and livestock sectors and the possible changes in their management: Forest sector, activities for 2008: metadatabase on forest management options; historical trend of forest products; literature review on current effects of climate change on Mediterranean forests Partner 13 CNR: CNR-IBAF (Impact on forests) Giorgio Matteucci, Mario Cammarano, Marco Mancini, Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, Participants: Partner 64 UNIBO (Impact on forests - modelling) Federico Magnani, Silvia Dezi
Mediterranean Countries for data on forests and forest products
Land-use patterns in the Mediterranean Region
Overall removals data Fraction of woodfuel Datasource: Del based on FRA 2005 (FAO, 2006)
Production of industrial roundwood in the Mediterranean Region Datasource: Del based on ForesSTAT (FAO)
Production of woodfuel in the Mediterranean Region Datasource: Del based on ForesSTAT (FAO)
On-going activities: CNR-IBAF Literature review: current and predicted effects of climatic changes on Mediterranean forests Modelling future distribution of tree species: o TreeMig o Threshold approaches with analytical tools (competition) o Bioclimatic envelope on detailed data from Italian Forest Inventory (cooperation with Univ. of Roma La Sapienza)