Cause of the Civil War Causes of the American Civil War – Rap Video Civil War Video – Based on two Fifth Graders work
US History Note Page 22 “The Early Stages” North South By Morgan J. Burris & Jenny Strader Southwestern Randolph High School
The First Two Years of the War… Both the North and the South developed strategies to win the Civil War. Both sides, however, experienced military setbacks and high casualties early in the war. President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and put ending slavery at the heart of the Union war effort. The First Two Years of the War… 1st. Battle of Bull Run / Manassas: → Union Gen. McDowell goes West from D.C. w/poorly trained troops. → Conf. Gen. Beauregard were well prepared. → Shipped troops in by Railroad Union Retreats
Lincoln appoints McClellan, as General of East Army. Looked out for welfare of troops Didn’t take instant action Civil War is one of the first wars documented on film…
Control of rivers, meant control of Commerce and Military movement… War in the West: Union gunboats, under Gen. Grant took Fort Henry (Feb. 1862) & later get ‘unconditional’ surrender of Fort Donelson. Control of rivers, meant control of Commerce and Military movement…
April 6, 1862 – Conf. Army surprises Grant Slaughter at Shiloh: April 6, 1862 – Conf. Army surprises Grant April 7th. Grant gets reinforcements & wins. -13,000 Union Casualties -10,000 Conf. Causalities Bloodiest battle on US soil up till this time.
Action on the Mississippi: Under Capt. Farragut, Union Navy takes New Orleans in April of 1862. June of 1862, takes Memphis
McClellan Invades Virginia: Moves down Potomac River to Yorktown, Virginia in May 1862
Then he regrouped with Lee Seven Days Battle: June 25 – July 1st. 1862 Union forces, 2 x as many, are defeated by General Lee & General Jackson. Jackson threw Union by attacking North, near Washington, D.C. forcing troops to be moved there. Then he regrouped with Lee
Confederates Take Action: Conf. Forces move North into Maryland. Sept. 1862, Lee meets Union Gen. McClellan. Battle of Antietam Bloodiest day in Civil War 6,000 dead, 19,000 Wounded No clear victory Lee goes back to Virginia
At Fredericksburg: Lee defeats General Burnside McClellan is Replaced At Fredericksburg: Lee defeats General Burnside At Chancellorsville: Lee splits army, sends Stonewall Jackson to attack Gen. Hooker from behind. Confederates are victorious.
Stonewall Jackson is killed by his own men… STALEMATE: EAST: Union has failed to get Richmond Virginia WEST: Grant still unable to control the Miss. River.
US History Note Page 22 “The Early Stages” The End US History Note Page 22 “The Early Stages”